Senior Care/Nursing Home Lead Gen??


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Hi All,

I'm venturing in to the senior care/assisted living niche. Getting steady traffic now and ready to monetize. I'm looking for the best nationwide lead buyer firms to sell these leads to.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

The thing about niches like this, is that those that are positioned to extract value from the traffic can extract an absolutely ridiculous amount of value. At the same time the systems for extracting value are extremely expensive to build and maintain. You're going to have to find a well positioned partner if you want to be able to share in that pie.

If I was you, I'd just accept that you're going to have to do some leg work.

Put together a bit of a presentation of what you have. (assuming the volumes substantial enough to warrant it)
Then make a big list of outfits such as Brookdale senior living and see if with some legwork you can make a mutually beneficial deal.

Your best bet to get in the door might be to just make their phones ring a few hundred times. Note, your rough numbers. (very important don't record the calls or use forwarding since you can get into privacy issues.) Then send out some executive email carpet bombs aimed at their marketing department. Saying something along the lines of. I'm the guy that's been sending you 10,000s of thousands in new business. Can we talk?
One approach that seems to work well is providing valuable educational content related to senior care and nursing. A lot of people researching nursing homes are looking for guidance on healthcare topics, so offering well-researched articles, case studies, or even partnerships with nursing professionals can make a difference. If you're looking for relevant content ideas, this list of nursing research topics might help generate ideas that could be turned into valuable blog posts or lead magnets.
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