Senate Republicans refuse to work after 2pm


New member
Jul 15, 2008
Retaliation for health care passing is now invoking an old senate rule that requires consent from both sides for proceeding. Republicans are refusing to give consent.

Not like they are getting anything done that needs to be done anyways, but if our politicians are going to take half-days from now on, can we issue some kind of pay cut? How about an hourly wage?

Good. The less the Democrats get done until Armageddon (November 2010) the better. Gridlock = good.
Retaliation for health care passing is now invoking an old senate rule that requires consent from both sides for proceeding. Republicans are refusing to give consent.

Not like they are getting anything done that needs to be done anyways, but if our politicians are going to take half-days from now on, can we issue some kind of pay cut? How about an hourly wage?

hourly wage isn't the answer, its making the job performance based. get healthcare under control? bonus.
hourly wage isn't the answer, its making the job performance based. get healthcare under control? bonus.

Somehow I think if we give our politicians performance bonus's they will turn out a lot like the bank bonus system did. They will find a way to bonus themselves no matter what the actual numbers look like, or bend the metrics.