Senate Bill 1959 to Criminalize Thoughts, Blogs, Books and Free Speech Across America

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Interesting, esp the blackwater stuff.
blackwater is cool.
i want to set up private army one day and have it as big as blackwater.

i write letter to GWB recomending that they outsource prisons etc to PH and put me in charge. In PH there are many unemployed prison guards who have much experience handling prisoners thanx to marcos.
blackwater is cool.
i want to set up private army one day and have it as big as blackwater.

i write letter to GWB recomending that they outsource prisons etc to PH and put me in charge. In PH there are many unemployed prison guards who have much experience handling prisoners thanx to marcos.

Are you retarded or something?
I'm not going to claim to have watched the entire video or to have read the entire bill in question. No offense, SeoReborn, but the videos you've posted in the past have definitely been enough for me to not waste my time watching any more you post.

However, curious about what you were tin-foil-hatting this time, I checked out the link you posted. Unfortunately, the author of the article you posted to is clearly either an alarmist or ignorant... though likely a combination of both.

I quote:

‘...ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs...

Note that this means the "planned use of force to promote a political or social belief" would be considered an act of terrorism. This all hinges on the definition of "force," of course. Based on the loose use of logic in Washington these days, and the slippery interpretation of the meaning of words, "force" could mean:

• A grassroots campaign to barrage Congress with faxes
• A non-violent street protest
• A letter-writing campaign that deluges the Senate with too much mail
• A sit-in protest that blocks access to a business or organization
• A grassroots e-mail campaign that overloads the e-mail servers of any government department or agency

Now that is just damn funny. I don't know about you, but "planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs" sure sounds like something that should be dealt with. Of course, the author decides to blow this way out of proportion and starts to claim that the law will be interpreted in such a way that pretty much anybody who disagrees with the government will be labeled a terrorist and be thrown in jail. Sure seems like a stretch to me.

The author then lists some examples that supposedly will fall under the definition of "force" in the new law. Now, I again doubt any of those items listed will ever be labeled a terrorist act, though I must say all but one could definitely be considered a crime. Flooding any office with an excess of email, faxes, or mail should at least be met with a fine, if not some other minor form of punishment. Just as you can't spam people with email, you sure shouldn't be able to overflow an office with junk mail. Hell, I think they need to extend the Can Spam law to deal with physical junk mail because I'm damn tired of dealing with flyers and mail that I'll never read and just end up throwing away.

"A sit-in protest that blocks access to a business or organization". Uh, that's already against the law if I'm not mistaken. You can strike and protest all you want, but you can't block access to buildings. If I owned a retail business and some organization decided to protest it by completely blocking access, I'd be pretty damn pissed if I wasn't able to get the police down there to break it up.

Now with that all being said, if the bill is merely adding more punishment for acts labeled "acts of terror" then I'd likely be against it. A murder is a murder in my book. Just as the whole hate crime thing is hilariously misguided. Why would murdering somebody based on prejudice be worse than just murdering somebody because they looked at you funny? Same with terrorism. If somebody murders somebody because they were doing it for some terroristic (no idea if that's a word) means, then it shouldn't be any more or less punishable than merely murdering your wife because she cheated on you.

The bill does seem to talk about appointing more people to positions dedicated to stopping terrorism, which could be good if done correctly or could be a waste of time and money if it's just another useless bureaucratic layer created for the sake of creating it.
Yea America is going to shit.. check out the documentary END GAME it talks about the Bilderberg Group, if you never heard of this check it out scary stuff.
Alex Jones' Endgame


Thanks for the link. I'm downloading it. Alot of info is citing 2012 as a something catastrophic. From the creation of the New World Order to extreme disasters caused by the passing of Nibiru aka Planet X.

I've been getting engrossed into this stuff after researching the 911 conspiracy.
The author then lists some examples that supposedly will fall under the definition of "force" in the new law. Now, I again doubt any of those items listed will ever be labeled a terrorist act, though I must say all but one could definitely be considered a crime.

It may not, but there is the risk. We are not the one to interpret that definition. It is them

Flooding any office with an excess of email, faxes, or mail should at least be met with a fine, if not some other minor form of punishment. Just as you can't spam people with email, you sure shouldn't be able to overflow an office with junk mail. Hell, I think they need to extend the Can Spam law to deal with physical junk mail because I'm damn tired of dealing with flyers and mail that I'll never read and just end up throwing away.

"A sit-in protest that blocks access to a business or organization". Uh, that's already against the law if I'm not mistaken. You can strike and protest all you want, but you can't block access to buildings. If I owned a retail business and some organization decided to protest it by completely blocking access, I'd be pretty damn pissed if I wasn't able to get the police down there to break it up.

Its fine being a crime, but being able to cite it as terrorism is a big difference.
It may not, but there is the risk. We are not the one to interpret that definition. It is them
I'd like to see them try and interpret it anywhere near what the author is guessing in the article you linked to. Methinks it wouldn't last long if they decided to start shutting down popular websites and throwing bloggers in jail like the article author is claiming.

Its fine being a crime, but being able to cite it as terrorism is a big difference.
Like I said, I don't see how or why we should treat the same crime differently just because of motive. Ok, well, I guess we already do with 1st degree murder vs 2nd degree vs manslaughter, etc. But those are more on whether you planned it or if it was just spur of the moment. If we start saying, ok, if you commit this crime because you just felt like it, you get 5 years, but if you did it because you hate homosexuals you get 8 years, but if you did it because you are a terrorist, you get 15 years... well... it just gets rediculous. It's not going to deter a terrorist from commiting a crime just because he/she notices it's an extra few years in jail if they get caught.

Anyway, much of the bill seems to be more focused on setting up a group to try and deal with terrorism and potential terrorism rather than coming up with specifics in how to try them in court.
Are you retarded or something?
It appears as if you hate me.
Why are u prejudiced against me just because i am retarded ?
Maybe you hate retards as a group in general :O
As a retard i feel threatened by you, infact i find you attitude rather violent.
Maybe u think the president is a retard. Since you hate retards, maybe you plan to overthrow the president :O

In USA to house a prisoner costs over $50-100K per year.
While in PH we would be able to achieve the same results for only $5-10K per year. It is part of the global economy.
Also former marcos prison guards believe in the "human touch" it is absolutely amazing what they can do with a bamboo rod, while doing no major physical harm to the prisoner. Within a short period of time the prisoner can be rehabilitated and become a productive member of society.

Since it is every persons responsibility to fight terrorism, i am willing to take Garret and at my own expense use him as a pilot project to show how effective my rehabilitation program is.

Mind you if my pilot project is successful, i would like a contract to rehabilitate 100K terrorists to start.

It is hard being a saint like me, the sacrafices i must make.
But it is always worth while when i think about the children.

What the fuck are you talking about?
What the fuck are you talking about?
Obviously u are a sypathsizer of people who hate retards.
We have already determined that retard hating is a terrorist act.

Therefore potentially in the future u may commit a terrorist act.
To be on the safe side u need to be re-educated to keep society safe, and preserve the freedoms we have.
Obviously u are a sypathsizer of people who hate retards.
We have already determined that retard hating is a terrorist act.

Therefore potentially in the future u may commit a terrorist act.
To be on the safe side u need to be re-educated to keep society safe, and preserve the freedoms we have.

Ugh, have you been brainwashed by the neocons or what?

Freedom without privacy, liberty, free speech, is not freedom at all.
Ugh, have you been brainwashed by the neocons or what?

Freedom without privacy, liberty, free speech, is not freedom at all.

I for one welcome our new masters who will decide for me what is privacy,liberty and free speech.
Obey! Work! Obey! Consume!

Actually, the devil is in the details (as always in law, every word counts)

...ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs...
The thing we have here is a planned "act of terroism" punishment not only for the use or planned use or threat of violence, but also for the use, planned use or threat of force.

Yes, I think some of the examples in the article might be misleading, the main point remains: "force" is a very unclearly defined thing.

So yes, if it comes to it,

planning to start an email campaign to your senator

could be punished as an act of terrorism.

:bowdown: I bow to the US Government. As the country that invented this shit, we still could have learned a lot from you.

So yes, if it comes to it,

planning to start an email campaign to your senator

could be punished as an act of terrorism.

If you honestly think they would ever consider a regular email campaign to your senator an act of terrorism through this law, then I'm glad I don't live in the same world you do :)

Yes, they say "planned use" and "force", two terms that could have a fairly loose interpretations. However, it's rediculous to think they would consider an email campaign force. If you bring down their servers or send some huge amount of spam, then perhaps they could consider it as force, and in that case, perhaps they should do so. If somebody plans on sending so many emails to our government that our government won't be able to use email, couldn't that, indeed, be an act of terrorism?
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