Selling leads vs affiliate marketing (opinions wanted)


New member
May 3, 2011
I'm building a webpage for a marketing experiment I'm working on, I plan on having multiple CPA offers (grant kits, email/zip submits, student loans, etc) to see what makes the most money and doing a case study. I was going to have a "free options" section that links to an offer that pays $1.50 for first:last:email) and have a "paid options" section to push grant kits that pay out like $20-$30, but I was thinking that if I collected peoples data for the free option rather than linking to a zip submit, I might be able to sell the gathered information to advertisers. What kind of data can I ask for legally and what would advertisers pay for? Is it legal to ask for sensitive information (i.e. a social security number? Would an advertiser even want something like that?)

The traffic I'm going to be directing to the site is real college students looking for grants that I plan on referred to the site through physical media (3.5"x8.5" door hangers and 4"x6" high gloss flyers). You can see a picture of my first batch I had made (I got 1000 for $120 on uPrint) here. I watched a video on how to approach companies to sell leads:
[ame=]Want to get advertisers on your blog/vlog? Go and GET IT! - YouTube[/ame]

but I've only called one company so far and it didn't work out. I plan on calling a bunch more when I get some time this weekend, I'll report back and let everyone know how his method works out for me. Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions or tips? I'm looking for someone to drop some knowledge on me.