Selling domains at SEDO (or similar)


I code stuff :)
Oct 11, 2010
I have some domains I don't have time for.

I was going to test waters/prices at SEDO and sell them if receiving any good offers... But then decided to take my chances and ask here first (While I could think about content development strategies.)

If I set domains at "make an offer", can I still withdraw the domains at any point? I asked support, and they said that the domain got "locked" for 7 days the moment a bid was placed.

This got me thinking... Can users "lock my domains" by making bids etc? (I don't plan on using the domain parking feature.) Or hidden fees if e.g. withdrawing domains?

I just want a good safe place to list my domains for sale. Escrow service. Someone not taking more than 15% And where I am not obligated in anway to keep listing my domains... So if anyone has recommendations, let me hear them :)

For this you can use reserve price, the reserve price is the price in which you are willing to sell your domain, if reserve price is met then you have to sell the domain to the highest bidder.

Accordingly to SEDO as far as I read, they don't use the reserve price system (but thanks for explaining the "reserve price" which I have seen used other palces when I have been lurking)

I am just confused about why the "make an offer" locks the domain the 7 days even though I am not obligated to accept the offer. Just seems odd to me, so fiured there was something I was missing :)