Sell your landing page/affiliate site

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
So lets say you are in a jam for cash. How would you go about selling your PPC affiliate site? If all of the traffic is generated by Adwords, I sure as hell don't want to give someone my keyword list. And then when you show how much traffic you get, say 200-300 uniques a month yet you made a couple hundred bucks, a lot of people (like on Digital Point) will call bullshit and start chanting retarded Engrish that nobody understands.

So my question is, if you are in a jam for money, how do you sell your affiliate/landing page sites.

I don't see how anyone would pay for anything more than the landing page costs unless you give them the KW list. Alternatively, if you made several hundred dollars off under 1K visitors, why on earth are you trying to sell? Shouldn't you just dump more money into it?
First of all, wait until you get some good search engine rankings. I was thinking of doing the same for one of my websites which receives traffic almost entirely through PPC, and I'm sure as hell glad I didn't let it go, because now I'm receiving 400 uniques a day from Google. SEO it as best you can and keep working on it.

However, if you think there is no hope left for that kind of stuff, you should be able to get good money if your landing page has a product of its own to sell. As a general rule, take the yearly income and double it to value your site. If its just another landing page with CPA offer and little else, then I think you don't really have much to sell anyway.
Put yourself in a buyer's shoes. What the fuck are you going to do with a landing page (worth no more than $60), but no keywords to drive traffic to it?! If you want to sell it, you better be ready to part with your keyword list, otherwise you won't get shit.

If you do sell it without keywords, make sure you aren't a dumbass and remove any dynamic keyword insertion that gives away your keywords from your code. :D
to sell it right you should sell the landing page, keyword list and the good quality score account. Other then that it's probably worthless.
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