Sell Your Domains & Still Make Bank

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Just a quick and simple way to really make some bank..

I haven't made this a habit just yet, but keep meaning to.

When registering your new domains that you want to sell, get yourself a reseller account with a few of the big registrar companies out there, or just stick to one, it will work regardless. But what you should really consider is going for the private label aka co-branded option. So you can use your own domain and logos, etc.

So you have your registrar reseller account. Now go ahead and create a few accounts under your reseller account, just regular accounts to register regular domain names that you would normally register without a reseller account.

Take these domain names and sell them for cheap. Either through a bulk portfolio or singles on ebay, tdnam, sedo, namepros, dnforum, sitepoint, dp, wf, wherever.. Just get them sold. But make sure you either break even or make a few bucks on each domain sold.

See, now what you're doing is you're forcing people to make new accounts under your reseller license, and keeping those domains under your control. So that when they expire, or are about to expire rather, you can offer the new owners some special deal on it, so that you get the cash points for more domains under your account, plus you've made sure that they aren't being transfered away to another registrar, and since you've made a couple of bucks of profit from selling them in the first place (under other account identities), it becomes 100% profit, over and over again for as long as they stay with you.

The real beauty of this is that the more domains you build up, obviously the more money you make, but also cheaper your costs will be and the more you can play around with add-ons for a dollar or two more to make it be in the clients' best interests to stay on board.

Honestly, this is SO much easier than trying to just spam the crap out of your reseller ID link to get random people to buy domains from you. It won't work for you because there are hundreds of thousands if not millions by now already doing the same thing, and they all have the same deals as you. But by getting people to buy domains from you that have already been created, and are marketed as a "potentially great domain", psh, you have a ton of leverage over all of your competitors, and you will come out as a winner, while they come out as either just barely breaking even or failing.

I've spoken to domainers all over the world, and they all agree that most domain reseller accounts end up as huge failures, we're talking at least 96% by the way, that's pretty damn high! So they get suckered into spending some cash as a reseller thinking they will get lots of dumb people to buy domains for $20 from them, and sure enough, they end up either failing and leaving the industry, or they hold onto it for too long and end up spending more than they ever make.

So don't be a sucker. Be a winner. The WickedFire way. Thinking outside the box and being creative with things like this is what keeps us big boys ahead of the game and more importantly, beneficial from a cash/profit point of view and being able to get better deals on things we'd normally never do without being 10-steps ahead of everyone else.

That is actually an excellent idea if you are into flipping and if you can keep the sort of deposit that these people ask.

However, I must add that if thousands of dollars of deposit is not your thing -- I hate that because Indian Stock market is on Steroids and there is no way I am blocking that much money into anything which will not make me return equivalent to the market -- then it is super-easy to get $7.33 price from Moniker or Fabulous. All you need to do is have a few hundred domains and a skill to haggle. ;)
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