Sell this domain? PR2 9 yr 7mo


New member
Jul 21, 2012
Seattle, WA
Hey guys. Several years ago I made my friend a website for a business he was starting. He did pretty well with it but ended up taking a real job and he has enough regular clients he doesn't need new traffic and asked me to take the site down.

He taught CPR training to groups, different businesses that had a dozen or more employee's needing re-certification due to state laws in various career fields, on a regular basis. He does a class each week for one group and makes around $400-$600 for 4 hours of teaching after costs.

I haven't touched the site for several years, haven't linked anything other than submitting to dmoz and adding some attracta service that came with bluehost. Also I think he links to it from a facebook page. I submitted it to google places, and put a couple google coupons for a discount on groups of 10 or more, which actually drew a lot of people.

I don't know what the value would be, the name or for someone to use for cross linking. I did a search of it's age and the site says 9 years 7 months. I don't know if my friend had the domain for that long or what, I did the work on his site like 3 years ago.

The page rank is 2. Having done nothing to it in 3 years. Maybe I could increase it?

The website is Puget Sound Training, Providing Group CPR Certifications in the Puget Sound Region

If it's worth more than $100 I'd talk to him about selling it instead of just parking it. Any good sites to sell it on and any ballpark value? Thanks

That's an old domain. You should add more content and sell it as a website, not just domain. You'll probably sell it not less than $500 if it wi
l be sold as a site.
I would look for some who is looking to start the same business in the area. My friends doing that kind if business here in Vancouver. Doing 50k plus revenue a month now. Go to your local community centre or pool, find out who is qualified then pitch it to them as a business. You do the online get leads they teach the classes. Make some great money!
The domain names have higher prices due to name in it, pr is other thing...... you can check on Sedo, most of the domains are sold because of appealing name, value in name, easy to call, easy to remember,short.