Sell in this section, and you will be banned.

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Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
See the title of this thread?

Good. You can read then.

Because if you're caught selling anything outside of the marketplace aka BUY SELL TRADE area... then you will be banned.

No beta requests, because let's face it, those are really just review copies. And we don't like those.

Asking people to PM you so you can sell to them through there too? BANNED. You may not realize this, but many of our loyal members here are loyal to Wickedfire, not you. And they agree that by reducing wasted spammy clutter here will actually increase the value of the forum, its content, and even its marketplace so long as its done by those that follow the same rules they are held to.

There is a difference between networking and selling. If you don't know the difference or plan to use it as an excuse, then you are a raging imbecile and should head towards that forum filled with Warriors, because they will accept you with wide open arms and a smile on your dumb face. We, here at WickedFire, will greet you with a much deserved, swift kick in your ass. Do yo see the difference now?

No one likes a person that thinks they can be sneaky about it.

If you want to sell something, pay the ridiculously low fee, and be on your merry way. Sell over and over again on the marketplace. That's what its there for!

But if you can't afford the fee, go to a different forum and sell there. They don't give a single fuck if you follow their rules or not. But here... I care. And I absolutely will end your account's career here if you fuck with my rules.

Even if your account is old, you will still follow my rules.
If not, you'll be banned. Simple as that. You fuck me, I fuck you right back, except I don't use lube.

Pay to play. If you can't afford to, then you probably should not be selling in the first place. Fucking peasant...

So don't be a jerk. Follow the rules.

...and GOD help you if you try to scam anyone here. You will be dealt with ABSOLUTELY ZERO mercy. In fact, we sometimes go a bit too far in exposing the scammers, because nothing is worse than a thief. Well, maybe a pedophile is, but still, that's a form of stealing too. So ask yourself, do you really want to be in the same group as pedophiles? I would think not.
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