Self hosted WP blog or not?


New member
Jun 22, 2011
If you don't have the technical skills to setup your own WP blog on your own domain, would using the WP hosted blog be ok? I have heard that WP does not allow monetization of their blogs. Any comments?

Just learn it, how hard is it, there are free videos all over the web teaching you how to do it. If not, you can probably just pay $10 for someone else to do it for you.

Buy a domain, sign up for hosting
Point domain to the nameservers of your hosting provider
access cpanel, go to fantastico, install wordpress

if u host on something like wordpress you run a huge risk of getting your blog deleted for no reasons and that means all your hard work would be gone!
It isn't at all hard to install a self hosted blog, and the work becomes very easy when you are doing the same in the cpanel hosting. Because it has the shortcut to install wordpress by just a few clicks. Hosting on wordpress servers is risky, and it doesn't allow you to edit the themes or install plugins etc.
your not able to customize the WP blog like you can your own site with WP installed.

Best bet is to just register your own domain and build the site yourself. Looks more professional business wise. Take initiative and learn it yourself.
WP-hosted is pointless for IM.

Learn the process, it`s only hard the first time you do it.
Get a host with cpanel. Wordpress installs in about 3 clicks. Adding themes and plugins is very simple. Just learn it you'll be glad you did.
Consider this: a blog hosted with WP is never yours. They can shut it down any time if the feel like it and all your work goes down the drain.

If you went with a self hosted one though it´s yours and one fine day when it makes you some steady money you can sell it for 12 times or more the monthly income.

What do you think is the reasonable way here?
The problem with using free sites like Wordpress or Blogger, etc., is that they have a huge list of rules that you have to agree to, including rules that do not allow you to build any type of commercial site. So if you put any type of affiliate links or other sales links, you are breaking the rules. And when they catch you breaking any of the rules, they immediately remove your site. No warning and no way to get it back, it's gone. So is all your content. Not to mention all the hours you put in building the site, writing the content, driving traffic and etcetera. Gone.

If you can afford your own hosting account, it's the best way to go, because you own your domain and everything on it and it can't be taken away at someone else's whim. WordPress is really easy to learn to install and use, that's why it's so popular, you do not have to be techy to use it. And as someone mentioned above, there are lots of free videos and tutorials that will teach you all you need to know. My first WP site probably took a day or two to build, the second one probably 4 or 5 hours, and today I build custom sites for offline businesses and also myself. And I am definitely not technical. This is something you really can learn to do, give it a try.
Self hosted for sure.
If your serious about starting to make money online you'll have to know a little bit about everything. Dive in, all you have to lose is $20 and some sleep.