Seeking Partner to run Traffic Geyser, WP Direct WP Mage w/1500 exact match domains


New member
Nov 26, 2009
NYC Biatch!
I am a New York based affiliate marketer. I have bought over $15,000 worth of automation software and have full licenses to xRumer, Own Tube, WP Mage, Word Press Direct, Traffic Geyser, etc. etc.

I also own 1500 exact match .com domains that are either $30.00CPC adsense or 5000 clicks per day.

I also have three offers that I own getting ready to go onto an ad network.

Seeking an aggressive NEW YORK BASED sharp as fuck guy to partner with 50/50. My strength is marketing and putting these deals together. I need someone to do the tech side.

Must have experience and high technical ability.

I am a New York based affiliate marketer. I have bought over $15,000 worth of automation software and have full licenses to xRumer, Own Tube, WP Mage, Word Press Direct, Traffic Geyser, etc. etc.

I also own 1500 exact match .com domains that are either $30.00CPC adsense or 5000 clicks per day.

I also have three offers that I own getting ready to go onto an ad network.

Seeking an aggressive NEW YORK BASED sharp as fuck guy to partner with 50/50. My strength is marketing and putting these deals together. I need someone to do the tech side.

Must have experience and high technical ability.

You sound motivated but you're probably going at this the wrong way. For one you have 6 posts and you drop a gmail address that will be picked up and spammed to death. Secondly, there are quite a few professional domain investors here; it would make sense to contribute and demonstrate your knowledge base first if you want to attract the right parties.

Alternatively you might consider a post at jv notify pro or warrior forum (don't talk about that too much or you will get flamed unless you are a veteran, lol)