Seeking Host & Post EDU Offers...

Rene Briceno

Affiliate Manager @ YEP!
Jul 3, 2009
Costa Rica
Can anybody recommend a good source for Host & Post Education Offers? H&P are those offers that you actually host in your own server/site and then the data/lead is posted via a script.

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

not an easy thing to find. Most EDU aggregators will want to have a long history with you so they know what your traffic is worth and how you market their products before they even begin to consider letting you host and post.

Let me know if you want to run any email/search/banner Edu offers.... Just around 15 offers we do have.

I highly doubt you are going to find them. All of the EDU advertisers are super crazy about quality (some of which to the degree that they are requiring affiliates to show their ads before running). I doubt they are going to leave the creative of the landing page in the hands of anyone but themselves unless you are super tight with them.
Host & Post Offers

I highly doubt you are going to find them. All of the EDU advertisers are super crazy about quality (some of which to the degree that they are requiring affiliates to show their ads before running). I doubt they are going to leave the creative of the landing page in the hands of anyone but themselves unless you are super tight with them.

I know 3 different call centers doing H&P EDU from Costa Rica right now. The lander was provided by the aggregator in all three cases and the quality couldn't be better. Every single opt-in call is being recorded BTW.


I know 3 different call centers doing H&P EDU from Costa Rica right now. The lander was provided by the aggregator in all three cases and the quality couldn't be better. Every single opt-in call is being recorded BTW.



So why don't you ask them for a host and post EDU landing page instead of us?
host & post should die a slow death...never worth the trouble at the end of the day

Why would you say this? If anything the host and post should be more widely used as it allows some sort of transparency and makes it A LOT harder to scrub/shave leads.
Don't bother calling the bigger players like Edu Dynamics or Quinn. They aren't going to let you host and post. They are ones that you will have to prove yourself to before they do it. And they typically do not take call center traffic.