See Like Jane Does = Sell To Jane (Must See)

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
This is not a trick ;)

Is the woman below turning to the left or right?

This exercise can effect your marketing effectiveness. Why? Because it may help you determine if you are more left or right brained oriented. Further, consumers respond differently based on whether or not they too are left or right brain oriented. A small percentage use both hemispheres of the brain, most of us go back and forth (through various degrees of frequency)....

Interestingly, it also demonstrates how two people can be looking at the same thing and see something so very different and in many cases the exact opposite...


See if you can get her to switch directions. If you have trouble, look away for a second and/or close your eyes and try again!!

Is she turning left or right for you? Right now she is turning to the right for me....

My mother stared for days and still couldn't see it! It took me about 1 week of staring at it for hours, lol
I understand how the dynamic works but I can't get her to change directions.

I see her rotating clockwise.
HA! Got it. I had to focus on her leg then once the "switch" happened I just watched it naturally without trying to keep it one direction or the other. Cool exercise.
Wow, that was weird. I only read your question "Is the woman below turning to the left or right?" so it was a surprise to me.

I focused on the image after reading the question and it was turning to the right, then I looked away for a second, glanced at it again, and it was turning to the left.
HA! Got it. I had to focus on her leg then once the "switch" happened I just watched it naturally without trying to keep it one direction or the other. Cool exercise.

Yep. First I saw her turning to the right, and could see her turn to the left. Then I looked at her feet and reflection. She turns immediately to the left when I look at the reflection and stays that way. After a while if i look away and turn back she is back turning to the right. To get her turning left again, I just glimpse at the reflection and there it goes.

So does seeing her turning to the right mean you are more right brain or left brain??
ok...i think the next exercise is trying to get her to turn directions by not looking at the reflection (position the browser window to block the reflection)
ok...i think the next exercise is trying to get her to turn directions by not looking at the reflection (position the browser window to block the reflection)

I did that, and it made it a bit harder to get her to change direction. In a few revolutions I could get her to go left or right, does that mean I'm a super genius?! My brain feels all warm and fuzzy now :updown:
An interesting note is that her left leg is out when she is turning clockwise, and her left leg is out while spinning counter clockwise.
She is turning clockwise.. Clockwise is considered right by people who are physicists
These are just a few traits:

The interesting though is that people who "see" the lady doing different things (so to speak), their brain responds differently.

As an example, one crowd may responding to a PPC ad o sales page appealing to logic, while the other crowd would respond strongly to appealing to their more emotive side..

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
These are just a few traits:

The interesting though is that people who "see" the lady doing different things (so to speak), their brain responds differently.

As an example, one crowd may responding to a PPC ad o sales page appealing to logic, while the other crowd would respond strongly to appealing to their more emotive side..

uses logic
detail oriented
facts rule
words and language
present and past
math and science
can comprehend
order/pattern perception
knows object name
reality based
forms strategies

uses feeling
"big picture" oriented
imagination rules
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking

Yes, so which direction indicates a left or right brain??
I've stared at it for a couple minutes seeing clockwise and finally I got myself to see it counterclockwise. When you see it clockwise the leg that is planted on the ground is on her left side. I'm not really convinced that this has to do with what side of the brain we use based on this picture, but it is a fun picture.
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