Sedo parked domain producing conversions - bidding higher on it?

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have a seat over there
May 4, 2007
Tampa Bay, FL
I am advertising on Adwords + the content network. There is a Sedo parked domain that is showing my ads at varying positions whose clicks are producing extremely high conversion rates for me. Is the positioning on Sedo parked domains simply a function of bid amount on the Google content network or what? I would like to work myself up to a higher position on this, and a couple of other Sedo parked domains.

This campaign is doing very well for me, but I have been disappointed that over half of my conversions seem to be coming from these Sedo parked domain sources that I seemingly have little control over!


as far as i know you should be correct on the content network approach but at the same time the frequency is also controlled by sedo and how their structure distributes ads and relevance. in your case it should be no problem since the clicks and conversions are there.

is that parked domain gettin type in traffic or ppc? if its ppc u might have some luck on tracking down what ad copy they are using and applying similar features to your own.
Thanks for the info project! Unfortunately the domain is getting typed in traffic. I will attempt to increase my content network bids and see if there is a visible increase. There doesnt seem to be much written about Sedo domains from an advertiser's perspective. Thanks for the info.

jeanpaul - I would love to, but you can't site target the sedo parked domains that show Google ads. The clicks also appear to show up merely as "Domain Ads" in the Google Placement Report.

Lots of room for improvement it seems.
Not 100% sure, but Sedo could count as search network - Domain parking pages can either be considered search network or content network, depending on their deal with Google.
Tyler - maybe contact the domain owner directly and negotiate a deal with them?

Based on your impressions, CTR & CPC, work out an estimate for how much revenue you think that domain is producing in total. Halve that figure to account for Adwords and Sedo's cut, and to get a ballpark figure for how much profit the domain is producing for the owner. Add 10% to allow for your error margin.

Then offer to lease the domain off the owner for a monthly fee that is a bit higher than the guestimated profit you believe he is currently generating. Approach him first to do this as a test for one month, so that you can make sure your offer still converts and you still make profit. If it does, just keep going.
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