Sedo - domain parking

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New member
Aug 20, 2008
So ive always seen sedo as kind of a place where weird fucking domains get bidded on like for like 600 euro, and i went there today just bored checking it out, and i feel like it wouldnt be too hard to make some coin there. I was wondering if anyone had some success with using Sedo to buy domains and then sell them for more. I have acouple of good domain names that could probly get sold. Let me know if youve had any luck on there.

I drop stuff off at SEDO from time to time if it hasn't been doing too well for me.
You can pick up some good bargain 2 word domains in niches (other than porn) from time to time.
But yeah, if you're selling I usually just go for a couple of hundred bucks on the things I'm trying to get rid of. I just want to free up some capital most of the time on stuff that wasn't particularly brandable in the first place.
I've got around a dozen domains parked there. Last year, around 5 of the domains went really beserk and each one made around $250 each for no apparent reason. At the end of the month, Sedo contacted me and ask why there was unusual behavior on my domains... I told them I didn't know and they paid me anyways. Then it didn't happen again.

Also one of my domains when first parked there was a PR2 and now its up to a PR4 across the board a year later.

Sold one domain for $250
Then got another offer for $1000 on another domain, .. but for some reason, the buyer didn't want to go through Sedo
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