Security against packet sniffing HTTP?


Used Receptacle
Oct 30, 2008
Hey all,

Here's my problem:

Site verifies login offsite (3rd party social login) -> My site reads success & user_token then assigns cookie with new encrypted user_token using md5 then sha256.

Let's say a user logs in through someone's personal WiFi hotspot not knowing that it's a security threat. Can't this person just copy the plain text data and recreate the cookie to emulate that user on my site?

I do not want IP verification, it's too much of a hassle for users to manually specify every IP they are going to use. I know site-wide SSL would fix the packet sniffing issue, but that would cost site performance, so it's not an option.

Am I forced to create a temporary connection token/cookie that takes all the user environment variables into account (ip/user agent/OS/resolution) and cross-verifies? Is this even a solution?

Am I way off and missing something simple?

Yes, use SSL. Take the small performance hit and don't waste hours coming up with something that will be less secure.
Thx for the help matt, It would be nice if HTTP incorporated SSL'ing a specified data but oh well... I see google ranking https:// sites on search engines so I shouldn't get penalized right?
Only use SSL on a subdomain. HTTP doesn't know or care that SSL exists, it is higher level than SSL.
Since you brought the "someone's personal WiFi hotspot" and "Can't this person just copy the plain text data and recreate the cookie to emulate that user on my site" into play ... SSL wont protect you in case you are worried about your users beeing hacked on a local basis.

Google SSL Strip
Break SSL Protection Using SSLStrip and Backtrack 5 | Vishnu Valentino Ethical Hacking Tutorial, Security Tips and Trick
trivial for anyone who can read

Your users should use a vpn/ssh tunnel solution in the first place if they use wifis, but that is nothing you have control over.
Well shit, I guess in my scenario there's no such thing as secure, lol...puts thing in perspective..

Thanks yast, maybe I should just buy some damage insurance instead of worrying about SSL. :)