Searching 4 a VIRGIN....


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
Maybe I'm the only one amazed at this, maybe not. I was bumping around the Google Keyword Tool doing some keyword research and one of the words made me think to do a check on the word VIRGIN. I really didn't know what to expect, I thought maybe because of the record company by the same name I'd get highly skewed and inflated numbers.

Nope. I got nothing. - - - across the board. I can't believe nobody is Googling this word whatsoever.

Anyway, useless thread is useless. Whatever.

Lol do some real research throw money into adwords to get real numbers, keyword tool is just a guide
I bet there are loads search for losing my virginity, get laid for the first time etc
Maybe I'm the only one amazed at this, maybe not. I was bumping around the Google Keyword Tool doing some keyword research and one of the words made me think to do a check on the word VIRGIN. I really didn't know what to expect, I thought maybe because of the record company by the same name I'd get highly skewed and inflated numbers.

Nope. I got nothing. - - - across the board. I can't believe nobody is Googling this word whatsoever.

Anyway, useless thread is useless. Whatever.

It does that sometimes with some keywords. That Keyword tool is not always reliable. Just try again in a few days and you'll probably get a different result.

I get zero too - looks like there are no virgins left.

You sure about that?
I get zero too - looks like there are no virgins left.

I'm the last of my kind.

Obv error. Virgin is one of the most popular British companies and turns over billions. It shows 2 million searches for Virgin Media alone and so Virgin should get a decent chunk itself. I doubt there's a filter on the term since Virginity shows 33k.
the word virgin should be removed from the dictionary cause they are nonexistent now :p

There are plenty of virgins around just look at half of Wicked Fire. Now if your talking about female virgins thats a different story