Search Volume + Exact Match Domain + Monetization Potential = ?

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Nov 9, 2010
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I'm offering up some no bullshit, hand researched profitable keywords for all you gay webmasters.
I'm constantly on the lookout for new keywords with exact match domains available that get a high number of exact monthly searches domain availability, and some way to monetize the traffic.

The problem with this, is there are so many keywords I can realistically go after personally. Even with a couple VA's helping me develop sites and content there are still far more than I could ever hope to capitalize on; and this is why I'm offering this.

  • I will find for you, keywords that meet the following criteria:
  • Greater than 5,000 exact match searches monthly.
  • SEO Competition less than 45,000 (Global sites with the keyword term in phrase order)
  • At least one exact match domain availability. No hyphens, and only .com, .net, or .org.
  • Estimated keyword CPC of at least $0.20

I will also provide you with information on monetization channels specific to your KW(s) such as: adsense, amazon, specific CPA offers...etc.

In exchange for a review, I'm giving away 5 free keywords to veteran members. Let me know if you're interested.

Awesome KeywordsAwesome Keywords | Your source for Niche keywords online.

I'll review :)

Would it be possible to refine the list a bit?

i.e. higher cpc threshold, .com only?

perhaps have Grade A, Grade B, Grade C lists

Grade A being .com only, 1$+, low comp
Grade B being any tld, 50c, low-med

Reviews are claimed. tencentpiece, Machine, jwm, river, and BackBanana, I w ill be PM'ing you shortly.

I'll review :)

Would it be possible to refine the list a bit?

i.e. higher cpc threshold, .com only?

perhaps have Grade A, Grade B, Grade C lists

Grade A being .com only, 1$+, low comp
Grade B being any tld, 50c, low-med


This was originally the plan, but ensuring there was any interest to begin with took priority. The KW grades will be refined soon.

*Edit BackBanana, I can't send you a PM. Let me know how you want me to contact you.
BackBanana has still not contacted me, so there is one review spot still open. Cheers!
I'd be interested in this but only if the exact match searches were greater than 10k and the exact match cpc is greater than $1. Also $15 seems a little much, how is this better than other tools out there such as affportal's app which is $37/month?
ok i got a free keyword

The kw given to me contained a trademark name, so I wasnt too thrilled about that.

The search volume local was 8100 reported by them but when I checked Google exact local it was 6600.

When I checked Domain availabilty, Namecheap is giving me an error that says it can not check it, although Godaddy is saying it is available.

If I had paid $15 for this, I would have been slightly disappointed because I don't want to buy a domain with a trademark UNLESS I am getting a goldmine KW term. If I am going to take the risk, then I wanna go BIG. Also the misreporting ( though not by much ) on the local exact traffic kinda bummed me out and the fact Namecheap is giving an error on the avail has me slightly worried that maybe even Godaddy is giving a false positive on the avail as well.

I think the OP is on to something though, it just needs to be tweaked for better.
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