Search for sites about "keyword" with adsense on them

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Danny Trejo Power!
Nov 7, 2006
Since you can now cpc bid when site targeting it'd be useful if there was a way to search for only sites on a certain topic that contain adsense. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

You could do a search query in Google for your keyword. Scrape the results. Spider the sites to see if there is adsense code on them.
Sounds like a useful piece of software for someone to make what do you guys think?
I already made a really ghetto script for this... shit, if I can program it, then a retarded monkey should
You can search within adwords as you set up a campaign rather than going by topic pick a keyword and you will get the results you want.
Yeah it's great. Would be even better if it wasn't hosted on your server tho :D
"How to make $250+/day on autopilot!"

Some quick info about myself: I started on digitalpoint, and totse (has anyone heard of these?) with only $100, and 5 months later, I'm up to $17,500 all through selling products and affiliate marketing. I think one of the most important things that people have to understand is that, you need to be willing to spend money to make money. (that is, if you want to do it fast!)

Recently, I found a script that will automatically surf auto surf sites for me. I'm sure there are scripts like these out there, but people don't want to share it, they charge too much money for it, or it doesn't work. With this script, when you let it run over night, you can get lots of credits. With these credits, you can have other people surf your sites, and when you set it to manual surfing, people will view your site for about 30 seconds. and they have to click a verification code to continue.

Before, I was promoting, sites like treasuretrooper or those refer a friend and get an ipod, type of sites. They converted for me. This was about 2-3 months ago.

But then, I started setting up websites. I threw up a sales page, using PLR content, and quickly started sending traffic to the site. I made posts on forums, and posts in blogs, all at the same time, juggling homework, and girls, and all that. It was tough.

What I was glad about this one product that I found was that they give you the sales letter AND the ebook for you; and full resale rights. So you're basically keeping 100% of the profits instead of having to split it with the publisher, or company.

So; if you want the scripts that I used (which is kind of big), then drop me a pm. DONT post here, because I cannot keep track.
Make sure to leave your email address in the subject line. Because I don't want to open each message and check for your email.

I'll probably be getting a lot of emails, so I'm going to stop sending it whenever I feel like it. Maybe I'll set up a website, and just have you go there. :) but then it will look like I'm trying to sell you something.

In case you are wondering why I'm giving this away for free. Here's why:

I was talking to a person online, who's family makes only $100 per month. And that person was charging only $.10 for an ebook. I thought it was kind of funny, and I was wondering who would waste their time to open their paypal account to send $.10. Maybe he was doing it just for the itrader and rep. But when I talked to him, he told me that he was from a poor country, and that his family lost their jobs, and they barely make enough to survive. He didn't ask me for anything. But I felt really touched, and so I sent him the script that I had and told him how to use it. I also gave him some PLR products to promote, and gave him free hosting.
After 2 weeks, he messaged me saying that he made OVER $147 over three days, just by selling an ebook for $47. And that His family never thought it was possible to make money online. I feel really gifted that I can change people's lives.

So hopefully. If you are feeling motivated enough, and feel like making some extra cash, (so that you can buy that damn cool spy video cam!)

$195, or whatever the hell you want,

Then TAKE ACTION NOW. And drop me a PM. ;) And any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

I promise, it's 100% free no catch. :) And you'll start seeing traffic like a motha f*****!!!

-Mike Scotts!
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