Searay 610 Sundancer

I don't see how this could be stable given the height of ship vs the amount thats supporting it in the water. It just seems very top heavy. That being said I does seem pretty cool.. kinda like a huge bird head.

Considering the price of it...i'd say the engineers already figured that out...

and 1.75 mil for a sea ray is kinda dumb...that's like spending 65k on a ford can get an E class for that kind of money, and it will be a lot nicer. Yes the sea ray, and the taurus will be very nice...but they're not premium luxury brands...if that's what you're going for, why not go for a brand that specializes in that?
Considering the price of it...i'd say the engineers already figured that out...

They also figured out an ingenious way to minimize deck space on a huge fucking yacht. I mean, the exposed deck area has to be comparable to a 30 ft. boat.
If you are going to drop the coin for a 60 foot boat, do yourself better than a Sea Ray please.

There's lots of nice boats - and a lot of better boats - there's no doubt about that.

When it comes to that point I'll shop around ;)
If you've ever owned a boat you know what it really stands for ;)


The ideal situation--somebody else owns the boat, you get to drink beer in it!
What's the old saying, "If it floats, flies or fucks. Rent it."