SE/Blogsite RSS & Webpage Cloaking Idea

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New member
Aug 1, 2007
Is this idea worth a damn?

Here's what I have done.

1. I scraped lots of content/keywords on my topic.
2. I seperated the content into sentences (one sentence per line)
3. I created dynamic wepages with randomly generated sentences from my content, and of course I stuff it with some keywords, bolds, italics, ul, etc to change up the page structure. The pages also contain text links to my urls.
4. I create dynamic xml feeds containing Titles and Descriptions from the content and stuff it with the urls from my webpages.
5. The webpages are cloaked for search engines.
6. The xml feeds are cloaked for search engines and blog engines like feedster, yahoo feeds etc.
7. Ping the feeds.
8. Social bookmark the site, get some links, submit some articles.
9. IDK I just finished 1-8.

How does this sound to some of the pro's? It's kinda like the bluehat seo thingy, but instead of scraping feeds and stuffing them, I just scrape content and randomly generate feeds.

Does anyone think this will produce results? I've been pinging for a few days now, but obviously nothing yet.

Any ideas/suggestions/critisizm?

The spiders get my dynamic html pages, and my dynamic feeds. The user gets redirected to another page. (ie affiiliate page).
Well, one thing I will say: in order to make significant cash off a scraped site like this, you will need a lot more than 1. But yes, it should work for a little while until you get dropped by google for spam. When bluehatseo talked about cycle sites like this, he said to drop em after a few weeks and make new ones.
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