Screwed by Commission Junction

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Fair to Middlin'
Jun 26, 2006
So, a few weeks ago, I found a nice new offer on CJ that was converting well for me, and I was making some money at it via PPC search. It was converting at a little under 20%.

That runs for a few days, everything's good. I start ramping up my searches, feeding it more traffic. Everything's still good.

Suddenly, I don't get any leads for an hour, which is a rare occurrence. Then another hour. Then another. After about 5 hours, and 250 clickthroughs, still no leads. They're recording the clicks, but I'm not geting any credit for it. I stop my advertising and send in an e-mail to CJ asking what's up. I also call in (I prefer talking to people rather than e-mailing) and the rep says he'll look into it.

They have no response ready after the allotted 72 hour timeframe, so I keep calling the rep daily asking what's going on. No answer. Finally he says, "Well, we don't have enough data to tell. You need to run the ads some more." So, I send through another 50 clicks, as an experiment. Nuthin'. I'm not going to advertise any more than that - it's just sending good money after bad.

So, I write back and let them know that I'm still not getting any leads. I do a little math - at a VERY conservative conversion rate of 10% (I was getting around 20% previously), the odds against getting 300 clicks with no conversion are 0.90^300 to 1, against. That comes out to 53 trillion to one, against. Put another way, you have better odds of winning powerball 667,000 times than of having this happen by random chance.

I let them know all this. No response. I call the rep I've been talking to - suddenly he's always in meetings or gone for the day, and he never calls me back. The issue has also now been deleted from the CJ issue-tracking area.

All of this looks awfully suspicious to me - the advertiser is ripping me off, and CJ is helping them to do it. Their proposed "solution" is for me to spend more money, getting the advertiser more leads for which I won't be reimbursed.

I've now submitted yet another issue to CJ, asking what happened to my first issue.

Has anybody else had an experience like this? I'm working with Azoogle now, and they've been great. My rep is incredibly helpful, and I'm doing ok. But this whole CJ fiasco still irks me, and I'd like to at least get recognition from them of what happened.

CJ is awful. Get out of them while you can. They've screwed me more than a couple of times.
CJ recently held someone's $32k July payment and terminated his account for just redirecting traffic or some BS. The guy still hasn't been paid..

I'm happy w/them but I don't like hearing shit like this.
Little bit of an update... the deleted issue suddenly reappeared in my issues list within the past hour or so. It's still unresolved, and the new one I posted, asking what had happened to the previous one, is also still unresolved. But at least something happened.

You guys have me scared now that they'll reneg on my payments altogether. I haven't done anything wrong - I followed the advertisers' restrictions very closely. I'm just paranoid.
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