Scrapping a Website gracefully

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New member
Mar 18, 2008
Hey guys,

I have a wordpress blog up at a domain I currently own and I want to scrap that and make it more of a product page now - still using Wordpress though. I know that my site is optimized fairly well for Google but I also know if I just flip it I'm going to destroy everything. Is there any way to change the entire page gracefully? I need to flush my current RSS feed and establish a new one, with all product pages etc. Any help would be appreciated.


That will come in use for the future, cheers.

I'm talking about something different though. My pages are indexed in Google right now through the Wordpress Sitemap XML plugin. When I remove all the posts/pages and add a new theme, completely redesigning the entire site, my domain goes through the shitter. Is there anyway to do this gracefully so my new page doesn't get drilled by Google?
I understand what you want, and 301 redirects are still a solution :)
Or, you can use mod_rewrite:

Redirect permanent /<old_url>    <new_url>

This way, the ranks should be preserved when moved from old to new url.
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