Scraping Google Places

Best way to do it buddy is do it yourself - research a bit about automation. As far as I'm aware, no scrape for google places as off yet.

Been using this software on a regular basis and have had many conversations with the developer. The software works as stated and the ability to target geo areas with a plethora of relevant info is invaluable. Contact phone #, website, address, physical address email, social accounts, etc...... Not only geo locations, but the ability to customize the area for scraping. For instance if you want to target two cities that are 60 miles apart but you also want to target the in between area as well, customize the search box to include the gap.
I would like to answer the question you should try it Although technically feasible, it is not possible to scrape data from Google My Business legally. The primary reason behind this is the prohibition of data scraping via robots.txt file and terms of use page.

PHP Developer London
I was trying to automate it with Selenium + Python, but I found I have to navigate with clicks inside the GUI, and then go back with click. You cannot scrape URLs or ID for the listing since Google has encrypted it.
Maybe I am wrong, but so far I have dedicated about 2 hours on this.