Scraped content + Adsense

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New member
Jul 1, 2007
I used to have a good system for building scraped content sites and I made good money with it for about 6 months. After that, Google caught on and started banning them all. So I stopped for a while and lately have been rebuilding the system from the ground up. I'm going to try to go big with it again, and even build a new HTML footprint for every 10 sites I build. The question is, will Adsense give me away as to what I'm doing. Does Google Search work with Google Adsense on things like this? Would it be smarter to use other money making ads than Adsense so Google doesn't catch on?

I used to have a good system for building scraped content sites and I made good money with it for about 6 months. After that, Google caught on and started banning them all. So I stopped for a while and lately have been rebuilding the system from the ground up. I'm going to try to go big with it again, and even build a new HTML footprint for every 10 sites I build. The question is, will Adsense give me away as to what I'm doing. Does Google Search work with Google Adsense on things like this? Would it be smarter to use other money making ads than Adsense so Google doesn't catch on?
It doesn't matter what ads you are running. Adsense pays best so use adsense ,just don't leave footprints and make as many as you can.
Yeah but will Google shut down his AdSense acct if they catch him making those kind of sites?
that's extremly rare but there is a chance for that one too. He should provide some content that is usefull for visitors and it's gonna be fine
Their are plenty of other alternatives to Adsense, why focus strictly on cpc? Run some CPM and CPA ads also and back to the cpc Chitika is a nice alternative to the all to well know Adsense and Yahoo ads that you see all over the place..

I guess my point is that you are really cutting yourself short if your only working with one ad type through one provider.
Well, as mentioned by robertdotcom, the goal is to make as many as possible. So when it takes 2 minutes time and some system resources to make a 50k page site, do you really want to focus on CPA? I'm really only worried about losing my adsense and/or getting banned because of adsense. If you start getting $20k checks and growing every month from Adsense, will it set off a red flag, does anyone know?
Well, as mentioned by robertdotcom, the goal is to make as many as possible. So when it takes 2 minutes time and some system resources to make a 50k page site, do you really want to focus on CPA? I'm really only worried about losing my adsense and/or getting banned because of adsense. If you start getting $20k checks and growing every month from Adsense, will it set off a red flag, does anyone know?

What does pumping out 50,000 pages have anything to do with running targeted CPA ads on those 50,000 pages, or even throwing on some CPM ads on those pages?
The point was if it only takes minutes to build a site, your time might be better off building more sites rather than hunting down CPA offers that might or might not make more money than something like Adsense
This shows how narrow you are thinking. It takes just as long to set up a CPA offer as it does adsense. If you are not split testing different monetization methods you are leaving money on the table. What are you going to do if/when google cuts you off at the knees?
some folks have rumored that at $10000 monthly earnings on Adsense, your network gets handchecked. dunno though cause i'm far from that. :p
This shows how narrow you are thinking. It takes just as long to set up a CPA offer as it does adsense. If you are not split testing different monetization methods you are leaving money on the table. What are you going to do if/when google cuts you off at the knees?

Good point, and if it's true that Google does hand check at $10k/mo I'll definitely have to think a different strategy. I've had a very low success rate with CPA offers but I know a lot of the members of this board have put a lot more effort into it than I have and have made a killing.
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