

New member
Aug 16, 2010
Anyone have any good starter tutorials on how to use it? I want to know every single possibility the software has etc.. I may buy a copy soon.

i.e. every feature it has, what it can do and how, how automated it is etc - I don't know a lot about it or how it works.


Anyone have any good starter tutorials on how to use it? I want to know every single possibility the software has etc.. I may buy a copy soon.

i.e. every feature it has, what it can do and how, how automated it is etc - I don't know a lot about it or how it works.


Here's some tutorials,

Scrapebox Tutorial: Increasing Your Success Rate | Scrapebox Underground
Scrapebox Tutorial – Best Practices | AdSense tricks

Go on youtube, go on google.. or just purchase first. They have tons and tons of video tutorials there.
hi guys, I have the same concerns as well. thanks for the links. Going to check them out shortly