Scrapebox - Tie certain anchors to certain URLs?


The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
So I purchased my own server for home and last night learned how to use Scrapebox. I've scraped about 3000 unique domains with many auto-approve pages on each. I'm ready to hit some of my pages with some backlinks.

So I've ordered blog comments in the BST section here, and have had the option to include certain anchor texts with certain URLs, in a format something like...

htttp://ww.domain.con/blahblah.html {anchor1|anchor2|anchor3}

...with the spin syntax and all that.

Right now I only see my option as choosing the one URL i want to blast, and then adding all my anchors and having it randomly choose the anchors.

Is it possible to put my whole list of URLs in there and associate certain anchors with certain URLs? This would save a ton of time, otherwise I have to micro-manage Scrapebox.

put it in your website.txt file

htttp://ww.domain.con/blahblah.html {anchor1|anchor2|anchor3}
htttp://ww.domain1.con/blahblah.html {anchor1|anchor2|anchor3}
htttp://ww.domain3.con/blahblah.html {anchor1|anchor2|anchor3}