Scientists have created synthetic life in the laboratory


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
I smell a nobel prize, new slogans on westboro baptist church protest signs, and an infinite amount of potential for this new technique.


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very cool!
The achievement has, however, stirred concerns about ethics. Critics called for tighter regulation, citing the potential for bioterror or “bioerror” that could endanger health or the environment.
god that irks me. They make such an awesome scientific baby step that is still so far from usable applications but still an incredible first step with limitless potential and people paranoid of stuff thats not even going to be possible with the technology for decades immediately try to limit their progress by creating a bunch of legal ropes and regulations for them to climb through. Same thing happened with stem cell research. Now we'll probably never know its true potential. Same with cancer research. It took decades of jumping through loops and pointless proofs before they could start using radiation based treatment.
The establishment interests always want to slow down progress and maintain the current paradigm by co-opting through taxation, subsidization and regulation.

That is why people appealing to government (the institution of the status quo) to change anything is like fucking for virginity.

Real change happens in the market. When it can't happen in the white market, it will happen in the gray and black markets (like abortion, race/gender equality, religion).
The establishment interests always want to slow down progress and maintain the current paradigm by co-opting through taxation, subsidization and regulation.

That is why people appealing to government (the institution of the status quo) to change anything is like fucking for virginity.

Real change happens in the market. When it can't happen in the white market, it will happen in the gray and black markets (like abortion, race/gender equality, religion).

Okay I was following you until the point about religion not happening in the white market but in the gray and black market, there you lost me. Care to explain?
very cool!
god that irks me. They make such an awesome scientific baby step that is still so far from usable applications but still an incredible first step with limitless potential and people paranoid of stuff thats not even going to be possible with the technology for decades immediately try to limit their progress by creating a bunch of legal ropes and regulations for them to climb through. Same thing happened with stem cell research. Now we'll probably never know its true potential. Same with cancer research. It took decades of jumping through loops and pointless proofs before they could start using radiation based treatment.

Organ transplants. Imagine the red tape with that one, people were screaming about Frankenstein.
Okay I was following you until the point about religion not happening in the white market but in the gray and black market, there you lost me. Care to explain?
When religion (or atheism) is regulated, it goes underground or into the shadows.
very cool!
god that irks me. They make such an awesome scientific baby step that is still so far from usable applications but still an incredible first step with limitless potential and people paranoid of stuff thats not even going to be possible with the technology for decades immediately try to limit their progress by creating a bunch of legal ropes and regulations for them to climb through. Same thing happened with stem cell research. Now we'll probably never know its true potential. Same with cancer research. It took decades of jumping through loops and pointless proofs before they could start using radiation based treatment.

Motherfuckers definitely need to get out of the way.

From many viewpoints religion appears to be the one doing the regulating. What it controls, influences, distorts is driven to the shadows.

I think he means when freedom of choice in religious pursuits is regulated. Like if you were a Catholic in Afghanistan or a Christian in the old Soviet Union.
I think he means when freedom of choice in religious pursuits is regulated. Like if you were a Catholic in Afghanistan or a Christian in the old Soviet Union.
As usual, "you get me".

Government tries to regulate behavior/innovation/choice/markets, but it is only successful insofar as the people go along with it. When the consent is gone, the power to control goes as well.
And speaking of jerking-off... are sperms alive? I mean shit --I just realized I might be a mass sperm murderer. Aw fuck I just remembered all that spermicdial foam we used to pump into my ex-girls vag..omg!
Um... Incorrect chart? Gun powder? Printing press? The Chinese was not in the "dark ages".

The printing press was a product of the early renaissance era and basically sparked everything from thereafter.

My argument with the chart is it's not quantitative info, it's just a chart slapped together. There's no numbers behind "scientific advance"
My argument with the chart is it's not quantitative info, it's just a chart slapped together. There's no numbers behind "scientific advance"
lol @ the excel chart. And i love how it dips down as if we lost scientific advancements that were there previously. Hahahaha!!
apparently in the middle ages they forgot 9/10ths of everything they knew and went back to trying to figure out brick laying like the Egyptians.

To name a few inventions during the dark ages:
the mechanical clock
The heavy plow
water mills
spinning wheel
distilling liquor (oh wait i think that just explained the graph..nevermind i take it all back)