Scarface: The School Play

Now that was comedy. Little Tony has got his shit down. I really don't believe that a school was allowed to put on that play without some serious bitching from parents however.
I love scarface and all but if my kids went to that school i'd be piiiiiissed
this will hit the main stream news if this was a school play and it will down hill from there. must be some ghetto school..

Borat look in Goggles searching engine and this is what I find.
Great success!

Tell all of your little friends: "Scarface School Play" is about as authentic as Al Pacino's Cuban accent.

The viral video that pinged across the internet on Monday seemed to show grade-school kids performing a wildly inappropriate adaptation of "Scarface," Brian DePalma's operatic 1983 crime classic but, of course, if you looked closely it seemed a little too polished and cryptic to be a real campus production.

The video was actually made a month ago with professional child actors in a rented theater in Koreatotwn and directed by Marc Klasfeld, a veteran music video director...

All writings about this on that web sight:
'Scarface School Play' director steps forward: 'It was a lot of fun' | Hero Complex | Los Angeles Times

Dammit. Why doesn't Netflix offer Scarface on instant playback :(
This thread made me want to watch the movie again.