Scam-Free Social Media Services Your Brands and Clients NEED Starting at $49

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My Scam-Free, High Reputation Social Media Packages are Back with 3 New Options​

"[8/5/2014 9:13:12 PM] Flaw3d.: Bro just want to say you are kicking ass for *********** "

That sums it up- I've been kicking ass consistently for over a year providing social media services for WickedFire members and their clients.

Why do I emphasize "Scam-Free"? Because unlike some other members, I DELIVER on my work AND it is AWESOME. If you want social media, I'm the BEST. Don't make the mistake some other members have made and order from scammers with lousy reputations. Don't just take my word for it. Listen to the many WF members who've been saying I'm "the ONLY one they can trust" with their social media for over a year now.

I see a bunch of people getting scammed, and I don't know why- since everyone should know I offer the only reputable Social Media service on WF. Maybe I needed to come back and drop some reminders. So I decided to come back with 3 New Specials for the WF community.

I'm making it easier than ever to get help with your social media.

1. Social Media Consultation w/ Custom Package Proposals for $49 (Refundable)

Here's what you get:

1 Hour Initial Skype Chat Consultation- Ask me anything about social media and your niche. Even if you just want to pick my brain- that's fine.

Based on our initial conversation, I will put together At Least 3 Custom Package Proposals for your brand. These will be customized to your specific needs and preferences. In addition, I will provide you with a list of sources and top "influencer" profiles that I plan to use for content and engagement. I will give you an outline of what I would do if I were to manage your accounts. You can use this information however you choose- Hire Me, Say "Thanks, but No Thanks" and pass it along to your interns, Whatever. You paid for it. Just please don't go hire a known scammer. Your brands and wallet deserve better.

If you order ANY subscription package from me after the consultation, I will give you $49 OFF the 1st month.

2. 100% Manual Organic Twitter Profile Growth - $99/Mo subscription

Here's what you get:
I grow your twitter profile through manual organic methods, focusing on adding followers from your niche/location (if applicable) and top "influencers" in your industry. You will get Retweets, Favorites, and Mentions from other accounts. You will get new followers. It doesn't matter if the account is brand new or not. I can get you targeted followers.

How do I do it? I use my resources (tools, experience, observation of other brands, etc) to target the best accounts and content sources in your niche. Then I do targeted manual follows, favorites, RTs (retweets), mentions, quotes, rewrites, comments, and other interactions. I will get your account follows and mentions from top influencers and brands in your niche and community. That results in growth.

Note: This new service is completely focused on the interaction side of Twitter. Most content posts will be shares and rewritten/quoted posts from relevant accounts, with the specific aim of growing your reach and reputation. I will also give you the option of adding daily content posts for an additional $50/mo- This would include sharing your own content (20-30%) and relevant topical news and content (70-80%) from reputable sources. In other words, if you just want someone to post your blog links to social media, this isn't that service. I go way beyond that.

3. WF Special - Basic Posting and Interaction Package

Here's what you get: Daily* Content Posting to Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus.

In addition to posting, for each profile the interaction includes:

Twitter: Growing your account. Following relevant accounts, responding to comments and mentions, sharing relevant posts.

Facebook: Responding to comments and messages (depending on client preference and instructions), liking relevant pages, sharing useful posts.

Google Plus: Commenting, +1s, responding to comments and shares. Plus, we participate in relevant communities.

BTW, I hear all the naysayers, but if you aren't using Google Plus (especially Community engagement) you are missing out. Personally, around 63% of my own social media traffic is from Google Plus. Of course, results vary and depend on your niche and market.

*I am human, and I run things to look as natural as possible. I do not schedule posts out far in advance, as I try to be topical and mix up the times spent posting and interacting. I like things to look natural Because They ARE. You might have a day with no posts and then a day with many. The emphasis is being regularly active on social media, with posting AND real human interaction.

Subscribe Now $219/Mo

So I'm giving you 3 Options. How do you know which option to choose?

Here's a brief guideline:

1. You know you want social media help, but you don't know what you need or how much you should pay. Maybe you need a customized solution based on your niche and the specific profiles you would like to use. Or you just want to ask questions and pick my brain and have no intention of buying anything from me ever. No Problem.

Order the Consultation w/ Custom Management Proposals, $49- Fully Refundable* Toward any Subscription Package

*Did I mention you even get your 49 bucks back if you order a service within 30 days?

2. You know I have a great reputation for social media services, but you want to see what I can do for yourself before ordering a larger package or bringing on clients. Or you just want to focus on growing one account. For less than $100 month, I can do what I do best and start growing your Twitter account:

Order the Twitter Growth Package- Twitter Growth Through Manual Organic Engagement- $99/Mo

Add extra daily posting for 50 bucks= $149/Mo total

3. You have a local professional client/business or brand that you would like to get started right away, posting and interacting daily on the main social media profiles. You want to grow more than one profile, but you don't want to spend thousands of dollars per month.

Order The Basic Twitter/Facebook/G+ Package that includes posting, interaction, and community engagement on these profiles for only $219/mo

General Questions? Just ask here.

Specific Questions? PM

Have many questions? Order the Consultation. Even if you decide not to order a management package, I will give you so much actionable information that will help you and your clients. It's totally worth it.

"I Ordered. Now what?"-
After you order, you should be sent to a contact form. You can fill that out or you could just PM, email, skype. Whatever works for you. If I don't hear from you, I will attempt to contact you. We will need to communicate about the orders set up.

If you order the Skype consult, we will set up an appointment time that is convenient for us both. I will update this thread if I run out of space or have to add a waiting period.

Just wanted to drop by and say that JohnCJackson is the man for social media services. I started with one account when he had his first or second bst thread and it's been great ever since then. I've been able to hand him off the social media accounts of my clients and he just delivers. He has done all 3 social media networks (Facebook,Twitter,Google Plus) with no problem.

I fully trust him with my own company's social media accounts along with my client accounts. He has been able to do great work at a price point that makes it really a no brainer. Anyone who has clients or has a "brand" website that they are working on should get this because doing social media is a real bitch.

My personal twitter account. This is follower growth for this week, from the same types of manual interaction work I do on all accounts in the "Twitter Growth Plan."

Get real follows and mentions, with an emphasis on highly-relevant accounts from influencers in your industry.

Get It:

Build My Twitter Account with High Quality Manual Interaction Work for $99/Mo
Update on Skype consultations:

I'm now booked through Tuesday. Limited slots available on Weds morning and Friday evening.

More on the $49 Skype deal:
I am offering this option for people who need to really discuss their requirements before ordering a package, but I need to weed out people who aren't serious. It's not fair to myself, my business, or our existing clients when someone wants to talk on Skype for 8 hours or ask 20 questions in PM, only to order from a known scammer or copy my methods. If you are serious at all, and don't want to just order 1 of my packages that range from $99/mo - $2500/mo, you can afford to pay the $49. If you order anything, you get it back.
Here are some previous reviews/testimonials. Most of these have been ongoing clients with multiple accounts/services, many for over year:​








Here are some examples from previous threads, showing how I improved twitter follower profiles and timelines from clients that had been using twitter with almost 0 interaction and very few useful followers:

Let Me Fix Up Your Sad Social Profiles

Twitter Followers Before & After

Highly recommended. JohnCJackson is the only person I trust for quality social media campaigns that actually make a difference. These new offerings look great. I think anyone doing any kind of online marketing campaign should add in at least one of these.

I am now fully booked on Skype through Monday. If I've confirmed a time for you already, you are in. If you want to know how long of a wait there is before you order, message me to ask.

I'm working on a couple custom proposals for those who went that route.

Also, a couple of you ordered packages but have not given me the information I need to get the work started. I have Skyped, PMed, and emailed everyone, and you have all my contact information. If you want me to get started, please get back to me.


Why You NEED a Social Media Person who "GETS" Social Media to Manage Your Accounts

The biggest objection to paying for social media management that I encounter is:

"Well, my client has interns and in-house staff. They need to do something- so might as well have them do the social media. They know how to use twitter and stuff."

If a client does cancel monthly services, it's usually explained as: "Google destroyed my revenue. Your work is good, but we have to cut back. We will just have have our people post for now and hire you back when we have some new accounts."

Well, I can tell you that I have never seen an account I managed improve after being handed over to an intern, general office employee, or a cut-rate social media posting service.

Sure, a lot of people know how to use Twitter and Facebook for personal entertainment, but very few know how to interact with audiences and post updates that are effective for branding and business-building. When inexperienced employees apply their personal social media experience to business, the results are usually pretty lousy.

What I Do When I Take Over an Account:

I improve interaction and views on the social profiles themselves and referal traffic to the web site.​

Interaction numbers on the last post I made on an account a few days after I was informed it would be taken "In-house" the next billing cycle:

My posts get +1s, likes, shares, RTs, comments. All comments are acknowledged and questions answered. I maintain communities, monitor and remove spam, etc.

What Interns Do:


This what happens when I stop managing social media profiles. Growth stalls, interaction goes down. Comments are left unanswered. Posts consist of random memes with 7 hashtags and ZERO response. Communities are overrun with spam from direct competitors. In this case, it's not like the client just stopped using social media. They are paying their own employees for these results.

By contrast, this post had the MOST response of any in the next 30 days of in-house employees working on the accounts: 4 +1s and 0 comments or shares.

Sure, you can find your own employees who "get" social media, but you can't trust this to just anyone. General office workers or store employees don't cut it. If you want to beat my work, be prepared to spend a minimum of 4-5 figures per month on a top-end agency.

But if you have a 4-5 Figure Budget, you should really talk to me, anyway. I will work out a custom approach for you.
Alright, I have my hands full with custom orders and proposals. I will leave these offers open for the time being. Just send a PM if you have any questions about services and availability.

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