Scaling up a campaign.


New member
May 8, 2009
How important is it to have the ability to scale up a juicy offer or campaign? Say that you have an amazing campaign, but lack the ability to scale it up for various reasons.

Is it best to sort out those issues first before competition with more resources (ie skilled workers, finances etc etc) understands the model and replicates you....or do you just roll with the punches?

If you can't scale it up, is it really an amazing campaign?

That's a very good question and I'm glad you asked. Something to think about I'm sure. If I could replicate myself 20 times then definitely it would be scale able (without a doubt)....however that is not the case. But definitely something for me to think about.
why not scale it up? if its amazing hire people to do the work and scale it...dont show them ads...or leave a few key pieces out so they cant steal it....

if its an amazing campgain you can afford to hire out knowing youll get a lot more back
why not scale it up? if its amazing hire people to do the work and scale it...dont show them ads...or leave a few key pieces out so they cant steal it....

if its an amazing campgain you can afford to hire out knowing youll get a lot more back

Definitely something to think about....but with the different elements I am bringing into this campaign....its tough to not share it all. I guess I am just excited that everything is working out for once, maybe I shouldn't be so cynical.
scale that bitch.

if you cant scale it - then it's out of your control, move on.

If you can scale it and it's worth the effort do it..

I'm not sure what the problem here is?