Scale of the universe, but in flash and pretty

That's actually really fucking cool.

Zooming in all the way, and vice versa shows amazing 'design/order' vs randomness of our lives.
Spent around 20 minutes with, taking my time zooming out from the smallest measurement to the known universe, actually got nauseous and dizzy. Can't even wrap my mind around it but fuck...
Seeing this type of thing just shadows my day.

I know deep down I was meant to be an exceptional Star Trek captain. I'm not sure who to blame for bringing me here 2 centuries early.
Minecraft world es big
Scroll out all the way, then scroll all the way in. Let that stuff fly by.
What a hell of a work. Man this is just fucking awesome. A perfect guide to show our kids, i believe. am going to spend some time with my kid this weekend to show him how the whole world looks like and what it really is.

those with kids at home, show and share with them