Sbox "successful" Comments, But Nothing Showing?


An Inglorious Bastard
Jul 20, 2010
Dominican Republic
Just a quick question.

Why does SB say "successful" to a posted comment, but then it doesn't show up?

They're not in Moderation because I can post a comment by hand that automatically shows. I'm trying to learn this tool and getting crazy frustrated...

were you using public proxies? most of public proxies are flagged on akismet, and will show up as spam
Between a successful post in SB and one that really shows up there are worlds. A lot of blogs are moderated which means your comment has to be reviewed before it shows up. There are auto-approve blogs though and there are ways to find them, too. Not into Scrapebox now but shouldn't be to hard to find out.
Between a successful post in SB and one that really shows up there are worlds. A lot of blogs are moderated which means your comment has to be reviewed before it shows up. There are auto-approve blogs though and there are ways to find them, too. Not into Scrapebox now but shouldn't be to hard to find out.
The same blogs that the comments don't show up on, show my comment when I place it by hand. I even check using different browsers and it's their.

Out of 9,000 comments only 9 showed up after 8 hours.
Well how about some more info.

What platform are we talking about. Wordpress, BlogEngine?

What happens when you use the same private proxy in your browser what happens?

Heres a twist. Some blogs will make a comment show, and it will be there, becuase it sees your ip, but if you view it from any other ip it won't show, cause its actually in moderation. So try it from another ip.
Well how about some more info.

What platform are we talking about. Wordpress, BlogEngine?

What happens when you use the same private proxy in your browser what happens?

Heres a twist. Some blogs will make a comment show, and it will be there, becuase it sees your ip, but if you view it from any other ip it won't show, cause its actually in moderation. So try it from another ip.

Ahh, OK thanks. I don't know what platform though, I just loaded the smaller list from the 1.2mil list.

I don't see the same option as in the instructional videos on SB's site where they have a choice between wordpress, blogengine, and moveable type in the comment poster section. Only options for Fast, Slow and Manual. So I choose Fast.

About viewing from different proxies,that makes sense.
I see the same with BE blogs. I post manually and I can see the comment. I can see it from several IP's no problem. But, with SB fast or slow mode it says it has posted, but nothing appears.
I see the same with BE blogs. I post manually and I can see the comment. I can see it from several IP's no problem. But, with SB fast or slow mode it says it has posted, but nothing appears.
Yup, still the same problem for me as well. I spent alot of time on those instructional videos and I seemingly have set things up correctly, but I keep getting these false positives. I don't know what to do now, kinda stranded in the middle of nowhere with this...
Lol SB support with this? You're doing it wrong. I don't understand why would buy lists before you understand the tool. Scrape your own lists and do testing yourself, then buy lists...

If it's wordpress your proxies could be ip banned. Also, the domian your pointing too could be banned. This is the most likely scenario.

For blogengine and movable type, you shouldn't be having problems this severe. Run a list specifically either of those types of blog and then check your links using the link checker. Then check those blogs manually.
Lol SB support with this? You're doing it wrong. I don't understand why would buy lists before you understand the tool. Scrape your own lists and do testing yourself, then buy lists...

If it's wordpress your proxies could be ip banned. Also, the domian your pointing too could be banned. This is the most likely scenario.

For blogengine and movable type, you shouldn't be having problems this severe. Run a list specifically either of those types of blog and then check your links using the link checker. Then check those blogs manually.
I can't speak for Chuckie, but I have private proxies. Paid for private proxies get banned with a day of purchase? I bought 10 from yourprivateproxyDOTcom

And I bought a list because I know that Loopline is money, scraping can be done wrong like everything else.

The other messed up thing is that the interface on my version of SB doesn't show a choice of types of blogs to post to, the options it gives me are Fast, Slow and Manual posting. I see the other interface on the instructional videos, but mine is different.
If you're interface isn't up to date, then this is a serious problem...

the options it gives me are Fast, Slow and Manual posting.
That is how the script looks now from v1.15.0. The videos are old.

Fast poster does BE, WP, MT and B2E. Slow poster does WP, MT, BE, B2E, DP and EE.

Regarding posting to Blog Engine, it does have some spam protection. SB gets a comment ID back from the post and so it says it was successful, but the comment may have been caught by the spam protection so will not be visible. It may of course be approved in the future if it is good enough.
That is how the script looks now from v1.15.0. The videos are old.

Fast poster does BE, WP, MT and B2E. Slow poster does WP, MT, BE, B2E, DP and EE.

Regarding posting to Blog Engine, it does have some spam protection. SB gets a comment ID back from the post and so it says it was successful, but the comment may have been caught by the spam protection so will not be visible. It may of course be approved in the future if it is good enough.
Are you getting answers from support? It seems all of my comments are in moderation, I did long and spun comments, they ofcourse not specific to each blog. Do these things actually get approved?