Say I owned www.[mycity] what's the best way to proceed?

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New member
Feb 7, 2009
List restaurants?

Write reviews (keeping in mind I'd be competing with yelp and the like)?

SEO it and then park it?

SEO it and then get local restaurants to pay me to include them?

Also question 2: in my other noob thread, some of my replies showed up immediately, and other's said "pending mod approval" but they never showed up? Is there a random filter on noobs posting here?

Thanks. I've been reading this site non-stop for the last 48 hours. At one point I had to reboot my computer and I went to close FF and it said "you are about to close 105 tabs are you sure you want to continue?" and each tab was another relevant thread here that I had opened for future reading. Of course I saved my tabs, rebooted, and restarted FF and finished reading them.

er... there's no legal issues with buying a domain name with your city's name in it, is there??

I've heard of people getting into trouble buying domains with trademarked names in them before...
i would SEO the shit out of it, put up a ton of places, all if you can, get it really popular, then go around and tell them that you want a millionbillion dollars or you will write a bad review on your site, and run them out of town, bawhahahahahahaha

but its your site do what you think is best
I would suggest using a yellow pages scraper and getting all the local restaurants phone numbers listed on your page.

Let it get indexed they add an email submit offer for free restaurant gift card to a banner at the top.
i would SEO the shit out of it, put up a ton of places, all if you can, get it really popular, then go around and tell them that you want a millionbillion dollars or you will write a bad review on your site, and run them out of town, bawhahahahahahaha

but its your site do what you think is best

hahaha. Black mail and extortion are always profitable IMHO.
Need to find an affordable or free directory script, then see what resturants in your area are doing alot of advertising. Then check to see if they have websites (alot do but some do not)..if they have a site check it out and see if there is anything you can do to improve it, maybe a better headline, graphics, or maybe add an autoresponder and then sell them a premium ad listing on your resturant directory.

If they do not have a site then sell them a website package, you should be able to outsource everything that you will need..that is if you cannot do it yourself and then offer an advertising package to your directory.

Then you could add a monthly maintenance package to keep their sites updated, or add content to the autoresponder, update the online menu, or any other number of things that a small business owner will not know how to do, or have the time to do.

Most of the things that people that are familiar with minor IM procedures fail to realize that most offline business owners do not know anything about online marketing techniques.

ive got adsense running on a few unrelated topics than the original site i used to submit/get approved with...

As for drugs... well, i have a drugs website with adsense, legal drugs that is... its been up for about 8 months and ive got no problems so far, however traffic only started picking up in the past 2-3 months... soo i hope everything will be ok.
i have no personal domain but i need to know that what are the tips and tricks that help to choose a good and cheaper domain

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I think I would list as many local restaurants as possible. Then keep adding a few a day for as long as you can, then start over. Once the blog gets popular, sell adspace on it and adsense. Just my two cents worth.
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