Say I need a million dollars to start something...


New member
Jun 18, 2009
United States
I have a sure proof way to start a very profitable company... but I need a million AT LEAST to start, but a couple million would be more reasonable. What would be the best way to get this? Network and acquire rich friends? 2 other businesses have already executed this plan and are very successful, I just need the startup funds. I thought my $50k was a lot, oh how very wrong I was.

You goto a banker or VC and they will do this when you say "Can I have a million dollars?"


stay strong! be safe! dont die!
I recommend starting a ponzi scheme. Fastest way to earn $1m I'd guess.


Unless you're building physical products there's little need to raise cash. Even then, just go to kickstarter.

Unless you're building physical products there's little need to raise cash. Even then, just go to kickstarter.

It is a physical product, in fact it's a very large physical product. Isn't kickstarter more for innovative ideas? This isn't very innovative. Just proven to generate cash flow.
1. Spend the $50k on Cocaine
2. Rock that shit up
3. ????
4. Profit

[ame=]Master P - Ghetto Dope ( Uncensored ) [ HD ] + Lyrics ! - YouTube[/ame]

Master P will teach you!

And tell ya how to make crack from cocaine.
1. Look for the nigga wit the whitest snow
2. No buying from no nigga that you don't know
make yo way to the kitchen where the stove be
You get the baking soda I got yo D
Get the triple beam and measure out yo dope
Mix one gram of soda every seven grams of coke
An shake it up until it bubble up an get harder
Then sit the tube in some ready made cold water
Twist the bitch like a knot while it's still hot
And watch that shit while it can rise to the fuckin top
Now ya cocaine powda is crack.
Nigga I hopes you strapped cause you might get jacked.
Find a partner in the same sector that has the cash. Cash is the easiest part of building a business. Everyone will come flocking to you if your idea makes sense.
Find a partner in the same sector that has the cash. Cash is the easiest part of building a business. Everyone will come flocking to you if your idea makes sense.


Uh... No. People will not "flock" to you just simply because your idea makes sense.

Get funding is easier if you have a working model, projects (Roi is great), and appear not to be in the "I need money" to do anything stage. There are 7 billion people on this earth, I'm pretty sure all of them have had a good idea at one point. If you can show a pattern of being able to execute and THEN put yourself in the right place at the right to and present - that will be the "easiest" way.
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Find a partner in the same sector that has the cash. Cash is the easiest part of building a business. Everyone will come flocking to you if your idea makes sense.

Eating clean and living an active, healthy life makes sense.

People flock to TVs and McDonalds.
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You need exposure. With the right exposure the people you need too talk to will find you. If you're asking here you're probably already fucked. You might as well just out the idea and watch someone else develop it.
try to do it yourself....i have been building for a year now...programmers in china.
its costing me everything...but i am not going to give up.
most investors will want a large %..or if you have no revenue already going just tell you to jump.

good luck man....1 million is heavy...try foor 100k
Setup an appointment with your local Small Business Administration advisor and talk to them about how to get funding. That's what they're there for.