Say hi to 'Emily'

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It was good no doubt but not 100% convincing, but damn good. I think I was around 90% convinced but there where just little cgi type things that told me this wasn't real. They say that the line between cgi and reality wont be blurred till 2020 but after this I can see it in a year or two.
I wonder how long before someone makes a batter sitepal

Strangely enough, I've been looking into CG avatars to try and get an idea of conversion benefits with rich media; which was prompted by Sitepal.

That's pretty amazing stuff... there's almost there.
The pixel-by-pixel tracking of the video, and transposing it to 3D, is pretty impressive and the way they set it all up as sub-animations that rely on each other to interact, like parent-scripting, is really clever.
But can you imagine the sort of processing power that that level of detail would take?
Or the amount of labour-hours required to get that whole face done?
I don't think we're going to be seeing it on a consumer level anytime soon :(
Crap, I just remembered something from a few years back.

Did any of you folks outside of Oz here about "David Tench"?
David Tench Tonight - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
YouTube - David Tench Tonight - Troy Cassar-Daley

He was an entirely CGI host of a talk show program. Kind of like the bastard love child of Jay Leno and an iMac. Only he was meant to obviously be a cartoon character.

The show started off with a few subtle political gags, got really popular, so they binned the politics and the ratings took a dive (that's right you TV executive cocknuckles, you don't have to appeal to the lowest common denominator to make a show work)
It was good no doubt but not 100% convincing, but damn good. I think I was around 90% convinced but there where just little cgi type things that told me this wasn't real. They say that the line between cgi and reality wont be blurred till 2020 but after this I can see it in a year or two.

Don't forget that once they are superimposed onto a background, it will be even harder to notice the imperfections.
I remember seeing the Matrix 3 with a couple of friends. When I told them that the fighting scenes where complete animations, and they looked like the Max Payne game, they could not believe it.
I guess we computer guys can easily recognize an animated face. This emily though was amazing, very close to the real thing. I am sure it can fool 90% of the population.
I remember seeing the Matrix 3 with a couple of friends. When I told them that the fighting scenes where complete animations, and they looked like the Max Payne game, they could not believe it.
I guess we computer guys can easily recognize an animated face. This emily though was amazing, very close to the real thing. I am sure it can fool 90% of the population.
What about beowulf? I think the animation was even better than the matrix.
Yes, my point was, that even for a movie a few years old, with worse animation than e.g. Beowulf, people could still not see that it was fake.
Btw, beowulf had some scenes which touched perfection regarding their realism.
Beowulf definitely had a few scenes that made me do a double take. The thing is, even with lifelike animation, you still need someone to do the voices, but I guess you can get any jackass with a smooth voice for a couple thousand.

But who's going to step out of the limo with no underwear on for the paparazzi to take pictures?
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