Satellite TV on your PC

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New member
Jan 28, 2007
Hi All

Great forum you have here..

I have just embarked on an experiment, I whipped out my credit card and paid $49US for a Product which supposedly gives you 3000+ Channels from all over the world via the Internet..

The software is currently downloading now...

Bullshit or Reality?? stay tuned for the result..

Btw.. I just earned $33 via Clickbank.. haha Used my Clickbank ID whilst ordering the product.. :)

Hi All

Great forum you have here..

I have just embarked on an experiment, I whipped out my credit card and paid $49US for a Product which supposedly gives you 3000+ Channels from all over the world via the Internet..

The software is currently downloading now...

Bullshit or Reality?? stay tuned for the result..

Btw.. I just earned $33 via Clickbank.. haha Used my Clickbank ID whilst ordering the product.. :)

Go Fuck Yourself!


Well.. Loaded the software...

Basically all it is is a skin for windows mediaplayer categorizing all the streaming TV Stations out there...

Somewhat handy... but there is no DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!!

very lame....

Well.. Loaded the software...

Basically all it is is a skin for windows mediaplayer categorizing all the streaming TV Stations out there...

Somewhat handy... but there is no DISCOVERY CHANNEL!!!

very lame....


Your responses are amusing...for about the first 2 seconds.

If you attempt to be somewhat witty in responding, your replies would make for entertaining reading.

Else you risk being a boor (and a bore).

How about a boer?


But back to the topic... I saw an affiliate offer for one of those sat TV on your PC programs, was all gung ho to promote it until I started actually reading some reviews on it, which basically said the channels were pretty much all weird foreign things, and what wasn't foreign didn't have anything worth watching. So, yeah, until your local telco provides this sort of thing via IPTV in a set top box (which might be soon, a lot of companies are testing this out), you're not going to see HBO and Discovery via the internet, especially on a lame $40 piece of software. I didn't try promoting it because I didn't feel like scamming people.
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