Satellite sites: Keyword Driven vs Link History


New member
Sep 13, 2011
If you were to create mini satellite sites for link building for your money site, would you prefer to snap up a totally unrelevant domain that has good link popularity and pagerank or register a new domain that is relevant with zero history (and start your own link building technique)?

This is for the purpose of making mini sites that link to your main site, possibly doing three way linking, etc.

Not sure what niche you are in but relevancy is your friend. You can purchase high authority links that are unrelated from a number of sources. Having a relevant link from a related site that provides users some value will go a long way. Think outside the box and create a mini site that calculates something or provides users with some sort of unique content. After the mini site starts to produce some traffic, link it to your money site. Not only will it ideally build up some authority but you will also be grabbing relevant traffic.
Why not just create BOTH?! The more diversity the better. If you're going to start off with building 5 mini sites around your niche, then just register 3 relevant domains (preferrably EMD in sub-niches), and then buy 2 aged domains with good PR.