Samsung Galaxy S4 Unavail LIVE

love the phone and getting it soon as it comes out, but this presentation is unbearably bad. who could possibly have thought these terribly acted skits were a good idea
Yeah they made a pretty big mistake having someone present that you couldn't understand clearly. It was chessy as hell. But with that said I bet they will sell a fuck load of phones and make another fortune.
Fuck, no preorder information and shit. Felt like I watched all that for nothing.
The S3 was a lump of plastic SHIT, this looks no different. I recommend Windows Phone 8 but if you really want a good android phone get the HTC One, at least it's solid aluminium


[ame=]How to avoid getting Cooties - YouTube[/ame]
Damn, I am loving all the features of the S4 but fuck its pretty ugly and plasticy looking.

This is Sony's latest offering, the Xperia Z. All the same features (besides the touchless action and eye scrolling) + its waterproof and HD video. But you can't crack the case or change the battery. The biggest drawback is no carriers are offering it yet so you have to pay full unit price, if you can even get your hands on it.

Fuck, no preorder information and shit. Felt like I watched all that for nothing.

Ccarter would not be pleased.

Yeah, No matter how big the company is there is usually failure at some level. This was a critical moment to capture information on people that would be interested in their product, looks like someone in marketing has been asleep at the switch for awhile now.

Don't know what the point is trying to go toe-to-toe with Apple with this marketing foolishness. Recall those round of commercial insult Apple iphone users, Does Samsung actually think by insulting users, they'll get them to convert?

Only thing they were doing was getting the non-iphone haters to come over. Maybe that was the strategy, getting the anti-iphone users, but lettuce be serious, Samsung will never have the allure or loyal fans as Apple, they are just not known for it.

Their constant marketing failure, like not capturing leads at a perfect opportunity is a prime example of why. They are attempting to look innovative but not be innovative. All they did was create a big screen. that syncing nonsense only works if every clown around you has a samsung product... Good luck bro.
Their constant marketing failure, like not capturing leads at a perfect opportunity is a prime example of why. They are attempting to look innovative but not be innovative. All they did was create a big screen. that syncing nonsense only works if every clown around you has a samsung product... Good luck bro.

There might be other reason why they wouldn't capture leads. There's a pretty good chance the phone is going to go gangbusters. In order to build even more hype, they let you hang on. Or maybe they know there are supply chain problems, and they don't want everyone to know exactly when it's coming out because they can't meet the demand, which is a negative scenario.

Don't know what the point is trying to go toe-to-toe with Apple with this marketing foolishness. Recall those round of commercial insult Apple iphone users, Does Samsung actually think by insulting users, they'll get them to convert?

I don't know why knock their adverts either, they are solid. Are they any different really than the Mac vs PC ads that Apple ran?

You know, these ones:

[ame=]Mac vs. PC Windows 7 vs. Mac Ad: Broken Promises - YouTube[/ame]

Some people think Apples shit don't stink, which isn't true. Their products are far from flawless, the the constant fawning over them can be a bit confusing. Until Apple makes iTunes not suck, the chances I'd buy an iPhone are 0%.