I am more into social media things and new to outsourcing but maybe anyone here has some experience in this field
I am located and born in Europe, but half Filipino (I can speak the language properly!) And one acquaintance of mine has a small call center in Manila, PH and he is leasing virtual assistants for around 5-600$ pM to companies. His costs are around 2-300$ per VA/pM and their English skills are not bad. Another interesting option are Eastern European countries like Romania etc.
I have my own great converting money making offers and got the idea to sell them (or other offers pps, cpa, etc.) via direct sales chat assistants located in the philippines. There are tons of ways to sell these moneymaking products. For instance - just make a FB profile of rich boys and girls, add people from the same town, chat a bit and make friends and ask them what they are doing for a living. If they ask you what you are doing tell them you are making money with x and y and bam you got them! My product is slightly twisted and converts on xxx$ per signup. Shouldnt be too hard to get some decent conversions in exchange for 160hours of work :338: But as I said, the options are almost unlimited, they can sell money making products to individuals, facebook and mobile pages to small business owners, ewhore here and there around etc.
I did a small test with three VA's and one outsourcing company but I feel a little bit scammed. The VA's didnt show any results but when I checked the accounts they did for me I saw that they almost haven't done anything. And I have the strong feeling that the VA company just copied my script and product I sent them because they wanted to know EVERYTHING about the product, how to sell it, how it converts etc. and then they never replied LOL. The only option to get this started seriously is to open your own call center located in these outsourcing centres like Philippines, India etc.
So is anyone here who has some experience with outsourcing these sales duties to VA's or does maybe someone even run his own call center doing exactly the same thing I am talking about? What do you think about this idea?
Thanks for your input!
Richard W.
I am more into social media things and new to outsourcing but maybe anyone here has some experience in this field

I am located and born in Europe, but half Filipino (I can speak the language properly!) And one acquaintance of mine has a small call center in Manila, PH and he is leasing virtual assistants for around 5-600$ pM to companies. His costs are around 2-300$ per VA/pM and their English skills are not bad. Another interesting option are Eastern European countries like Romania etc.
I have my own great converting money making offers and got the idea to sell them (or other offers pps, cpa, etc.) via direct sales chat assistants located in the philippines. There are tons of ways to sell these moneymaking products. For instance - just make a FB profile of rich boys and girls, add people from the same town, chat a bit and make friends and ask them what they are doing for a living. If they ask you what you are doing tell them you are making money with x and y and bam you got them! My product is slightly twisted and converts on xxx$ per signup. Shouldnt be too hard to get some decent conversions in exchange for 160hours of work :338: But as I said, the options are almost unlimited, they can sell money making products to individuals, facebook and mobile pages to small business owners, ewhore here and there around etc.
I did a small test with three VA's and one outsourcing company but I feel a little bit scammed. The VA's didnt show any results but when I checked the accounts they did for me I saw that they almost haven't done anything. And I have the strong feeling that the VA company just copied my script and product I sent them because they wanted to know EVERYTHING about the product, how to sell it, how it converts etc. and then they never replied LOL. The only option to get this started seriously is to open your own call center located in these outsourcing centres like Philippines, India etc.
So is anyone here who has some experience with outsourcing these sales duties to VA's or does maybe someone even run his own call center doing exactly the same thing I am talking about? What do you think about this idea?

Thanks for your input!
Richard W.