Running your network


New member
Oct 29, 2009
What do you think the most difficult part of starting/running a network would be?

1) $cash flow$
2) time
3) finding affiliates
4) fuckers defrauding you
5) managing your advertisers
6) fill in the blank ____________

[ame=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
Hello friend,

I think most hard part is for figure what to do with all profit you make.

The profit come in fast like flood but you no have to time spend all so you drown with money.

Good luck bro
I would have to say that competing with is going to be your biggest challenge. They got every superduper affiliate on lockdown, using the latest super secret HasOffers software. You've got quite an uphill battle chief.
Most networks have a mash up of the same offers. You can only push payouts so high before there is no margin left.

I'm a fan of networks that specialize in niche offers and don't just send you a mass email that says "these offers are killing it"...not all traffic kills it on the same offers.
This is my face after I read your thread OP

Somehow I think Wickedfire gets creepier every day...

I think biggest part is the legal planning in advance. Nothing cuts profit harder than taxes and legal fees... but setting up a company in a foreign country can be quite hard if you are a stupid American.
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