Running My Own Interstitial Ads


Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
So my site is now getting 30,000 - 50,000 hits per day and I'm running some ValueClick interstitial ads in between pages.

I figure, why do that for pennies a day when I could direct people to my own zip submit offers instead?

But how does one do that? Does anyone know of a code you can use to run your own interstitial ads on your site that direct to your own offers?


You would just need an offer rotator (like what guys use for doing poll landers) that drops a cookie once they've been hit a certain amount of times to prevent an interstitial on every page load.
Take a look at OpenX ad server, which is also available as a free hosted version (up to 100M views a month).

They do have interstitial ad format, though I have not tested it myself. If you set up multiple banners, OpenX will handle cookies and frequency caps.

I have not tried this for interstitials myself, but if you do give it a shot definitely interested in your experience.