Running down memory issues


New member
May 28, 2009
I just spent about an hour reading every thread I could find on memory issues for apache, wordpress, etc.

My problem is that I'm new to cPanel - so I'm still trying to work that out.

Anyway - my Apache process has been using too much memory and the VPS hosting has been killing the process. It's entirely possible I need to up my hosting resources but before I'd do that I just want to ask for any tips on the "where" to start troubleshooting.

More ore less I'm trying to find the best place in cPanel (or ssh command line, I'm familiar with Unix) to start running down what is using the memory. The sites I have on this server are very low traffic at the moment (probably less then 500/day total) so I doubt it's caused by pages being served up.

I think it's more likely it's being caused by some other stuff like WP-plugins, etc.