Running A Few Ideas Past WickedFire


Nov 24, 2009
First off, I'm a 19-year old kid writing content and working on smaller projects. Just experimenting.

Let me know what you think of these ideas I'm incorporating, or if there's anything you think I should add (disclaimer: I love using .info domains. Always have, always will, for the most part): Murphy, North Carolina Business Database. This will be a full-service database of businesses in my hometown. There will be an option to submit reviews of the businesses that sign up. I will contact businesses in person to see if they would like to donate, sign up ($10 per year to be on the database), or advertise in the sidebar. (under construction): I'd love to create my own link shortener. However, all of the tutorials I have found online have failed miserably. Any ideas? (under construction): I'm going to start a pseudo-wiki sharing tips on Halo Reach. Figure I'd get the site designed and up before the game comes out in early May (read: Beta instead of game). I'll be scraping the Halo Wiki, and rewriting and relinking the material into my own site. Advertising and such on the side.

Jay Is Only Human (John's Blog) This is my personal blog. It seems to be missing something, but I'm not sure just what yet (yes, I know, it's definitely missing color, but I like the minimalist look). Is it a bad idea that I'm sorting the posts with the labels "personal" and "business"? (under construction): Anyone know a non-manual way to scrape the Celebrity Movie Archive? Haha.

Free Your OSX I plan on starting this back up, and offering a freeware download for Mac computers every day. Yes, I know that I could have reached a larger market with PC, but this is my niche, and I'm sticking to it. Advertising to come later on this as well.

Feedback? Thanks!

I would change up the theme and push forward with this site, nice idea. There's a demand for local business databases, I would definitely recommend automation though for populating it. The ROI is too low for manual work.
Hack apart one of these:
Free PHP URL shortener script that kicks ass
7 Open Source And Free URL Shortener Scripts To Create Your Own

human blog
I'm gonna start blogging again too, can we xchange links plzzzzz +1+1 A+
Hit up mattseh on here, or use whatever you're gonna scrape the Halo Wiki with on this.

Free Your OSX
Nifty. Fanboys will rejoice. Go for it.

Make sure you don't overextend yourself, you've obviously got ambition so don't burn out.

Good luck
I would go for a lighter theme on the business site.

Ya got to populate it before contacting some people, though. Optimize and get a nice ranking (somewhere on page 1 for city, business like Murphy, NY restaurant) before reaching out.

Have "standard" listings and "premium" ones.

Sell the premiums.

I would go for a lighter theme on the business site.

Ya got to populate it before contacting some people, though. Optimize and get a nice ranking (somewhere on page 1 for city, business like Murphy, NY restaurant) before reaching out.

Have "standard" listings and "premium" ones.

Sell the premiums.


Awesome ideas, guys! And no, Riley, I'm not getting .info's because they're cheap. There's plenty of codes out there I could have used to get the .com's for the same price. I just like .info domain names. No idea why.
I know this might sound a bit basic, but start building sites in markets with tons of money in them. Credit cards, debt, shit like that (its dry as fuck but money is good)

Your Business Database idea is a good one. Roll with that. Work towards completing that project 100% asap and then move on to the money markets
I like a couple of your ideas. The business database is a really good one, and I am working on something similar that will mesh with a soon-to-be-launched local SEM venture.

Everything I've seen and tried with .info domains using SEO sucked. It may not matter for paid traffic though...I'm still total noobage on that for now.
Good luck with these projects!

I would definitely recommend automation though for populating it. The ROI is too low for manual work.

What is the best way to go about automating one of these sites?
I would go for a lighter theme on the business site.

I was thinking that as well.

The personal blog theme also doesn't seem right to me. That minimalist look seems better when it's mainly an informational blog, but for personal stuff I think it's bit too cold. Not that it matters if you're not going to monetize it, but just my impression.