Runner Runner (2013)

You seen it? I've read awful reviews, saying it's boring and non-engaging.

Also Timberlake, that dude has one character in him, and that's the college student persona.
Idk I watched it twice and i just loved it... there is an element of Competition and Winning in it and I liked that. Also british chick with the sexy accent.
y, was surprised reviews were low. bored, so decided to check it out. not bad about affiliates in there a few times, kinda funny
I thought it was actually pretty good, but then again I understood every single online poker/statistic/business term slung around in that movie so I just figured I was biased.
It was cool since it talked affilates/online casino shit. However it does feel like they didn't have enough time to get into any real part of the story. Most of the storyline was rushed and you did not get to enjoy any real part of it.
Eh it wasn't bad for an Affleck flick. Had a few good spots at a medium pace. Gator scene was unexpected.

Made me want to watch Boiler Room afterwards. It fits pretty well as a prequel if you let it.

However it does feel like they didn't have enough time to get into any real part of the story. Most of the storyline was rushed and you did not get to enjoy any real part of it.

Exactly, it had a good premise, but just seemed hastily slapped together which took away from the experience.
movie was okay. It was very Hollywood-ized & overly dramatic, but they did a decent job of portraying the obnoxious wealth-flaunting behaviour of early (current?) IM "entrepreneurs"

It's a good watch if you're bored.
Timberlake should never have been cast - back to dick in a box with him.

Would have been just as entertaining with Jess Pinkman cast as Richie and Badger and Sneaky Pete as his affiliate buddies for the lulz.

Best line goes to Affleck: "This is your job. You want a clear conscience, go start a charity. But if you want your own island and your boss says you gotta go out there and take a beating, you go out there, take it and come back to work and say, 'do you need me to do it again?'"
movie was terrible .. they even filmed it in puerto rico saying it was costa rica.. what a sham..
I liked how it started and lol'd my face off every time they said "affiliate" or "super affiliate". The best was when Affleck thanked JT for not outing shit on a public forum.

That said, the movie got so boring as it progressed.