Hi there, just whoring my services here.
I have multiple years of Ruby experience, lots of Sinatra experience, some Rails experience. Know HTML/CSS, and a little PHP.
It's unlikely to come up, but I'm decent with photoshop, my work's been featured on HuffingtonPost, MSN, TheChive, and some others (that'd be likely more for minor tweaking though, I suck at designing full sites in photoshop).
I've spent the past few months building an order management interface/CRM from scratch in Sinatra (Rails was too bloated for the task) and Bootstrap, to deal with high risk orders.
Familiar with git and Heroku.
I have an SEO background, and I love scraping jobs.
My hourly rate is £25. Based in the UK, although can work to US hours, and most weekends.
If you're interested, hit me up on here (note, WF strips out the hyphens, so trying to visit my profile will take you to the moderator Joe's profile rather than mine) or on Skype, username is moocowsmoo.
I have multiple years of Ruby experience, lots of Sinatra experience, some Rails experience. Know HTML/CSS, and a little PHP.
It's unlikely to come up, but I'm decent with photoshop, my work's been featured on HuffingtonPost, MSN, TheChive, and some others (that'd be likely more for minor tweaking though, I suck at designing full sites in photoshop).
I've spent the past few months building an order management interface/CRM from scratch in Sinatra (Rails was too bloated for the task) and Bootstrap, to deal with high risk orders.
Familiar with git and Heroku.
I have an SEO background, and I love scraping jobs.
My hourly rate is £25. Based in the UK, although can work to US hours, and most weekends.
If you're interested, hit me up on here (note, WF strips out the hyphens, so trying to visit my profile will take you to the moderator Joe's profile rather than mine) or on Skype, username is moocowsmoo.
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