Hi, thanks for all the fantastic info that I've read so far. I'm getting stuck on rss now, in particular producing feeds. I am working on 2 new websites built up around my fav affiliate datafeed, in total around 10000 pages (one for each product, unique content on each, all indexed by at least one datacentre with g and rising up live and yahoo every day) using various methods. Now I'm onto creating rss feeds. So far using lots of wp sites is getting some of my links scraped, but not many. Creating an rss feed from scratch (csv to xml using my affiliate datafeed) and submitting it is working better, but results are very random (I guess because not all keywords are being searched for).
It's been about 6 months of submitting and pinging to as many places as possible with limited success, so do you think I should carry on looking for more places to submit my feeds? Or should I stop pissing around with this and stick with the usual linkbuilding? I'm aiming for all pages on at least the 2nd page in serps as that seems to be the threshold where they start generating sales.
PS For other newbies who are finding it hard to motivate themselves, there was a scientific study that showed we work harder when the rewards are for our loved ones rather than ourselves. They took a bunch of people and told them the longer they pedaled on an exercise bike the more money they would earn for themselves. Then they took another group and told them they would earn money for their family/friends the more they pedaled. The second group worked much, much harder even though they weren't gaining anything. e.g. I motivated myself by setting a goal of paying off my parents' mortgage. They are both retired now and really short of cash once the bills are paid every month, so just the thought of the look on their faces when I achieve this is what made me stop procrastinating.
It's been about 6 months of submitting and pinging to as many places as possible with limited success, so do you think I should carry on looking for more places to submit my feeds? Or should I stop pissing around with this and stick with the usual linkbuilding? I'm aiming for all pages on at least the 2nd page in serps as that seems to be the threshold where they start generating sales.
PS For other newbies who are finding it hard to motivate themselves, there was a scientific study that showed we work harder when the rewards are for our loved ones rather than ourselves. They took a bunch of people and told them the longer they pedaled on an exercise bike the more money they would earn for themselves. Then they took another group and told them they would earn money for their family/friends the more they pedaled. The second group worked much, much harder even though they weren't gaining anything. e.g. I motivated myself by setting a goal of paying off my parents' mortgage. They are both retired now and really short of cash once the bills are paid every month, so just the thought of the look on their faces when I achieve this is what made me stop procrastinating.