Rotating Offers

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Dec 12, 2007
I try to always have 2-3 networks for a specific offer, for split testing purposes.

So how do you all manage that dynamic? API's into your stats for dynamic offer rotation based on how the offers are doing daily? Manually changing the links based on the stats?

For some reason or another the same offer can kill it one day on network A while the same offer sucks that same day on network B. I want to start managing that dynamic better so I can best monetize my traffic.

Please share how you manage this ...

How does P202 allocate the % it shows each link? Dynamically based on each networks stats I am assuming, but how much data is gathered prior to the allocation %?
Helps somewhat, thanks IAW.

More specifically I would like the offers to dynamically rotate based on my various networks stats over say the past 7 hours (or based on some metric or algorithm) - how each offer has performed. Does that make more sense? Like a revenue optimization script.

You can pixel the offers yourself, or some networks offer postback systems. From there you can manage the rotation dynamically.
No, it's not spinning it's actually pretty damn good.

Thanks for the info a!!!!1
it's not a dickroll dude, really.

It's basically just a short article talking about using historical conversion rates & volume on offers to determine the statistical confidence level you can have in one performing better than the other going forward.

It's pretty simple-minded and wouldn't be too hard to whip up regardless of what tracking you use.

It would get more interesting if you added in parameters for volume limits. For example, if there is a strong correlation between daily/weekly lead volume and declining conversion rates on an offer AND you know where on the regression curve offer A would dip below offer B, switch to B and maintain highest possible blended conversion rate for that period.

I've never tried doing meaningful stats in PHP but it can't be rocket science.
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