Ron Paul announces end of Campaign

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Personally I was still hoping for a McCain stroke or heart attack. But of course that would just bring Romney and Ghooliani back in.

I think Obama is going to destroy any Republican. Even if Paul was the GOP candidate it would be hard for him to win.

2 to 3 times more people are voting for the Dem Primaries than the GOP primaries. Get ready for 8 years of Democrat tax and spend when we are broke as shit already.
Better than no tax + war. The war is costing us more than raising taxes in my opinion.
Get real,he never had any real chance of winning.

Not a big surprise.
Get real,he never had any real chance of winning.

Not a big surprise.
Again, I'm not disputing the fact that he had a small chance of winning. Yes, everyone knew that. I'm very realistic. We all knew that John McCain has the nomination and has had it for quite a while now.

What I am more interested in is your thoughts on the campaign. Did it effect anything in our country? Do you see a future in the movement? Will the new organization help change things here?
sheeple run this country. Ron Paul is too smart for america. He sucks as a speaker, but to those of intelligence his philosophy is dead on.

I'm not surprised its over... Now, lets start redistributing the wealth with barack obama (the antichrist)
Again, I'm not disputing the fact that he had a small chance of winning. Yes, everyone knew that. I'm very realistic. We all knew that John McCain has the nomination and has had it for quite a while now.

What I am more interested in is your thoughts on the campaign. Did it effect anything in our country? Do you see a future in the movement? Will the new organization help change things here?

Did it effect our country? I think so. His campaign got me to pull my head out of the sand and realize what kind of HORRIBLE shape our country is in and I know many others who are in a similar place. I think his liberty platform he's transitioning to will be a great thing if the grassroots gets behind it like they got behind him. He had over a million people vote for him overall during the primaries - hopefully enough of us stick around to educate those who did not.
sheeple run this country. Ron Paul is too smart for america. He sucks as a speaker, but to those of intelligence his philosophy is dead on.

I'm not surprised its over... Now, lets start redistributing the wealth with barack obama (the antichrist)

Ha, most Christians are claiming that Obama is the anti-christ. It's possible.
Ha, most Christians are claiming that Obama is the anti-christ. It's possible.

Most? There are a lot of Christians in my community. I have never heard that one. Christians say, the bible teaches, that it is impossible to know who the antichrist is until he starts rounding them up. In fact half of the Christians I know are voting for Obama.
Any of you heard of Bob Barr? Hes running for libertarian and has the same views Ron Paul has.. Just seen him on Glenn Beck few days ago. Not sure how he can compete with big government politicians though.
Bobb Barr is no Ron Paul, that is certain.

  • Rep Barr single-handedly derailed medical marijuana in Washington, DC (though he now works for Marijuana Policy Project (MPP)
  • Bob Barr Voted For The Patriot Act (though he says he now regrets it)
  • Bob Barr Votes Pro-Life (though he funded his girlfriends abortion so she wouldn’t tell his wife)
Any of you heard of Bob Barr? Hes running for libertarian and has the same views Ron Paul has.. Just seen him on Glenn Beck few days ago. Not sure how he can compete with big government politicians though.

As a long time libertarian, I reluctantly supported Ron Paul. I disagree with some of his views. I consider him more a conservative constitutionalist. However, he was definitely the best thing going.

Barr is very new to libertarianism. I guess he could be described as a moderate libertarian. He is still very interested in being a conservative Republican but claims that the GOP left him, no the other way around. That really doesn't fit with most of the more "pure" or radical libertarians.

That said, Barr has his faults just like Barr. They are just different faults.

I will (reluctantly) support Barr/Root because Barr is far from perfect but better than the other options. I hope that he can at least be high profile enough ( he's already been on many talk and news shows, such as the one you mentioned) to give the LP their best finish ever. For a party used to a fraction of a percent, a million votes would be significant. And for libertarian ( small or big "L") to make much progress at all, we need to broaden our coalition to welcome both cultural liberals and conservatives ( as long as they don't want to use force to push their viewpoints) who agree 60-70% of the time.

IF I vote, it's for Barr. But I will root for Obama over McCain because of the war and generational issues.
Seriously, he was all over the internet and even some rallies irl, yet he got like 2% of votes.
Yeah I like Barr.. Have supported Ron Paul all this time. Just wish he would have tried to run for the LP. Though I will take all the good options on the table, Barr is one of it..

I also heard Nader was going to run to.. On the Alex Jones show.
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