Ron Paul and the Superbowl

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New member
Jun 25, 2007
The grassroots have a plan to get Ron Paul out to the people during the airing of SuperBowl. Since it isn't possible to create a nationwide political ad for it, the message will be shown in the form of local media commercials instead.

As they continue to gather money, they will be able to show the commercial to more cities across America. Since money is limited, they've trimmed down the amount of stations that they'll show the commercial to by excluding the home states of other republican candidates and showing ads in caucus states, among other factors.

The discussion about the ad on the grassroots forum, is here.
The webpage devoted to organizing all of this, concerning the Superbowl Ads, can be found at here: Ron Paul Superbowl

Omg.stop already. he's not going to win.


Sigh... Sheeple annoy me
Omg.stop already. he's not going to win.

Never know - he will probably end up one of the final 3 Repubs in the race. His competition either has less support than he has, money issues, or big skeletons in the closet.

Plus the other side is "converting" to Paulism:
» Ron Paul - Listen to him. Independent 08: The Politics The Presidential 2008 Campaign The Reality Show

Not everyone is a Sheeple - and the more Paul gets heard the more the other hopefuls have to spout stupid "snippets" that more and more people are seeing through.
Kiss my ass
Enjoy your media hand selected "front runners" all your life. You fucking sheep

Remember when Ron Paul was going to win New Hampshire because his supporters were the most enthusiastic? Remember when the evil MSM polls were way underepresenting Ron Paul's support because they didnt even poll young people with cell phones and then the amount of primary votes he got was within 1% of his poll standings?

You guys are affiliate marketers, you should know better. You should know about statistics and that polls are done scientifically and accurately represent popular opinion.

You can complain about media bias and all of that causing Ron Paul's poor results, but whatever the reason for his failure to win may be, at least face the facts. Ron Paul is not going to win. Cut your losses and move on to the next best candidate.

Since you guys love Ron Paul so much, anyone want to buy from me?
I've been making decent $$ from it off noob Ron Paul supporters like you.
Kiss my ass

Enjoy your media hand selected "front runners" all your life. You fucking sheep

Feel better now that you've had your tantrum? Good. He's still not going to win.

As usual, the worst thing about Ron Paul is his supporters. He'd have a better chance without most of you.
Feel better now that you've had your tantrum? Good. He's still not going to win.

As usual, the worst thing about Ron Paul is his supporters. He'd have a better chance without most of you.

I don't buy that BULLSHIT and neither should you. I believe in freedom and can't help that people like you decide to be pawns in this big game that has been rigged before your family tree existed.

Go run along now and watch some more TV to boost your IQ. What's the latest with Britney? What's your favorite reality show? Wake the Fuck up N00b
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